UK Can Receive a $72 Billion Economic Boost by Going Green, Says CBI =============== #b8c81d81 ver:0.14 The UK could receive a $72 billion economic boost by going green and prioritizing net-zero emissions, according to the CBI. Clean energy initiatives have already added $320 billion to the global economy, accounting for 10% of global GDP growth. However, the UK's mixed signals and policy U-turns have discouraged investment in clean industries. Global investment in clean energy technology is projected to reach $2.7 trillion in 2024, twice the investment in fossil fuels. It's crucial for political parties to focus on climate change and net-zero to attract investment opportunities. #GreenEconomy #NetZero #CleanEnergy... #newstr #CleanEnergyJobs #UkEconomy #GreenGrowth #NetzeroEmissions