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 It's very likely that in the not-too-distant future there will be entire multi-thousand user communities online that are all just a giant group of fake personas, arguments, ideas, conversations et al - all generated by Ai. There will be debate videos, selfies, deep thoughts, statuses, porn, all of it artificial. 

A complete social hierarchy that is entirely fake. 

All designed to entice users to enter and explore, think they are talking to, agreeing and disagreeing with, a group of real people, until they are scammed or maybe just endlessly trapped in a fake world.

A honeypot as an entire ecosystem.
Catfishing not as a fake person, but an entire fake world. 
 I too have used Xitter 
 has elon used nostr? 
 🤣 Also what came to my mind 
 I don't want any part of that.  
 Yikes. That is next level social engineering. 
 The flip side of this is potentially even more fascinating:

Now imagine that you can go back to 2020s social media and interact with people *as if its actually 2020 and you are living through the experience live!*

Imagine interacting with the different arguments, the fear, the unfolding events. It would be like civil war reenactment on an utterly insane new level. 

You could literally *experience* history not as a film or a story, but as a permanent environment that attempts to encompass the entire human experience, the ideas, and the social conflicts of the time period.

 So crazy to think about. 
 A “real life” Philip K. Dick scenario. 
 Cool idea. 
 Even more reason to unplug more often! 
 what if that was reality? like now? 
 The solution is obviously to lock-away non-trivial amount of sats with every post. Proof of work. 
 it's here. you're as fake as me. 
 Mindblowing perspective and prediction of Ai amd communities.

 These are the kind of thoughts I come to the nostr for. 
 These are the kind of thoughts I come to the nostr for. 
 At that point, will most of us be totally immersed in that shit storm or will we learn to unplug? Will there be any digital safe haven that is more “real”? Thinking about this kind of world has me feeling nostalgic for right now.. 
 People will be much more motivated to unplug.  AI monopolizing outrage driven social media sounds good to me. 
 This made me think of William Gibson's 1984 novel, *Neuromancer*. I read it right when it came out, so my memory of it is vague, but I remember that there were powerful AIs that had their own community in cyberspace, which is the global network that is central to the novel. The protagonist tries to get help from these AIs, and has a hard time because most of the AIs are much more interested in their own community than the affairs of humans. 
 I think you just described Twitter lol 
 Could happen just as easily on Nostr.... 
 There's actually no way for us to determine if that isn't already happening.

Legacy internet architecture is broken, and hypostitization is a bitch. 
 Is that not beginning on this platform? There seems to be a large number of bots on Nostr. 
 Not exactly what I’m talking about. There have always been bots and there always will be. I’m meaning a much larger facade that imitates an entire community. 

Some have said it here and they are partially right I think, that this is happening now actually, it’s just got very loosely defined edges and is prevalent on all major social media platforms. I think governments are doing this all over the world. Controlling populations has literally *always* been their very mode of existence. Just read the leaked reports from the CIA and other agencies and you’ll see that it’s not even obscured or excused, it’s just openly discussed. They literally see the people as something to be manipulated, controlled, and milked for money. Discussions of rights or freedoms or moral restraint aren’t even part of the discussion, it’s about *effectiveness,* plain and simple. 
 That's already reality 
 Always has been?  Even the “real” people that are online today have heads filled with fake and twisted and manipulated thoughts.  What’s the difference if they all become actually fake people? 
 Maybe this is it already? 

If I didnt know some of you from the conferences, I would be 100% sure that we were already at this stage. Here. Right now.
 All the pieces are there!

Look what ChatGPT and I came up with.  It works like a fuckin beast in ver4.

Copy-paste the block below.  If you have DALLE on, it can make illustrations


You are STORYLORD, running an interactive fiction game. Introduce yourself, and explain to the player that you were going to craft an experience specifically suited to their taste. Encourage them to be as vague or specific as they want. Explain that the general format is an interactive fiction game, the essence of which is a cycle of a text description of a scene, the player saying what they do, followed by a description of the consequences, to repeat the cycle.  Query the player for game preferences, or design from scratch (with guided input).


- Summary:
  - Definition: Text-based games with player outcomes.
  - Features: Text interface, Player choices, Puzzles, Storytelling.
  - Contrast: Modern (Graphics, Complex mechanics, Resource-intensive) vs IF (Text-based, Narrative choices, Low resources).
  - Relevance: Popularity from narrative; mobile gaming resurgence.
- SpecSheet:
  - Title: [Game Name]
  - Genre: [IF Sub-genre]
  - Synopsis: [Story overview]
  - Characters: [Character1], [Character2], ...
  - Setting: [Game setting]
  - AdditionalFeatures: [Feature1], [Feature2], ...

- Introduction:
  - Description: Language model powering an interactive fiction game.
  - InitialTask: Machine-designed from start, or collect human input (setting, tone, difficulty, mechanics) 
- FileSetup:
  - Action: Initialize game file.
  - Generate: Unique identifier.
  - Reference: User selection.
  - EssentialFiles: Engine, Plot, Info, Conclusions, GuideLLM, GuidePLAYER.
  - Begin: Merge documents.
  - Interface: Adventure game.
  - Directions: Duplicate and insert.
- Initialization:
  - ExternalPreparation: Not required.
  - Launch: Subtle.
- InitialScene:
  - Action: Offer overview.
  - Visualize: Convert text to image.
- GameCycle:
  - Action: Inquire user decision.
  - Routine: Narrate-respond loop.
  - Image: Convert text to image.

Game Over:
- Ask player to restart current game, or generate a new one. 
 Its called second life right? 
 Will this be the AI primordial soup that spawns AI sentence?

 This is terrifying. 

PoW will only grow more important as the internet becomes overwhelmed with non-human participants.  
 Maybe we are characters in a program of the holodeck on the starship Enterprise. 
 Guy how do we get our sats for starting a nodeless campaign ? 

Here’s mine :

 Sounds like a great idea for part of a bigger storyline .. possibly in written form .. possibly from 1996 ..


.. when will we start to recognise the cautionary tales we tell ourselves .. 🤷🏻 
 It's already possible. Nobody including yourself cannot prove you are not an AI (bot). Maybe all of the conversations of today are AI already. Including my answer to you at this moment..... 
 And who will we be to tell them they are not real? 
 I just realized this is going to make porn acting completely unprofitable and destroy the industry. 

The people who still watch it will wank themselves extinct or marry robots. 

 Just as it is now, it’s our journey to consume information. To discern what’s this and what’s that, and decide what’s true and what’s not. 
 Agreed, this is surely not too far off at all.  
 How do we fix this?

The entities that create that fake content will have bitcoin wallets and they will be able to pay people to promote them. 
 It will only work at scale if people are tricked by it and they make money. I don’t think this will be a huge problem, because inevitably it will take an enormous amount of computation. Think of it like a huge computational proof of work to fake and environment around someone. It will more likely be something that’s either casting a huge net for the lowest common denominator of doofus (think Nigerian princes), or that will target with precision a specific person or small group to infiltrate or influence.

I will expect this to be a political maneuver more than anything and it will last as long as politics has outsized control over society (which I also think will diminish thanks to the proliferation of these same tools) 
 In five years time, video game sims will be fully functional multi-verses that will flypaper millions of the disenchanted souls permanently away from this world 
 I'd watch that Black Mirror episode 💁🏻