I was trying to use the sdk on nodejs yesterday, first I had to add some fake FileReader with readAsArrayBuffer, then it started failing on stream().pipe, so I had to make my custom uploadFile. I have no idea how to deal with these cross platform issues properly, if you do, would be awesome to have it working on nodejs well. Thanks!
Also any other blossom server aside from satellite and slidestr?
I've mostly built the client sdk for the browser but Ill try to iron out the bugs on nodejs. might also try and support bum and deno
Thanks! Btw why not nip98 for auth? To avoid sha-ing big files?
The upload authorization event for blossom is intended to be used for uploading the blob to multiple servers and the NIP-98 event is scoped to a single server/endpoint. also even NIP-98 expects a hash of the content if the user is sending something to the server