It's the people at the top who are the problem. Don't get angry at people who have media induced opinions that you think are wrong. Whenever you see a display that makes you angry always take a deep breath and remind yourself that it's the people at the top who are the problem.
@🥞 Pancake Man 🥞 💉 If the people at the top all dropped dead tomorrow it would take generations to reverse those induced opinions, the thinking of the masses is also a problem. Even with total media control it would be decades.
hylics should take responsibility. if they're too retarded to climb out of the zog cave, i will mock and bully them for it. you deserve the parasites you allow. zog's occupation nothing but a symptom of the hylic's cuckoldry in the Kali Yuga, and Kali Ma will reap them. :vrill:
Cool it with the anti-Semetic remarks.