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 The vaccine reduces the odds of long covid by at most 50% and long covid incidence according to research is anywhere between 10 and 40 so no if you are vaccinated you still have to mask because if you aren't you're going around disabling people and I fail to see how that leads to equity 
 And yes, masks do work to protect yourself (and in doing so others), the science on this has been quite clear for years now. Cloth and surgical masks only protect others, but N95/FFP2 and especially better (N99/P100/FFP3) respirators (which are usually reusable) protect the wearer, extremely well in the case of the higher grade masks

Citation: this UK hospital reduced hospital acquired covid infections in staff by 100% (ie entirely) by switching to FFP3 respirators https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/jun/29/cambridge-hospitals-mask-upgrade-appears-to-eliminate-covid-19-risk-to-staff