@87c34046 No special treatment. They are linked into the apps and signed as such (plus the APIs can be renamed via R8/ProGuard).
@d82adc62 @87c34046 There is a mechanism in the platform for AndroidX libraries to relax SDK restrictions (but it would apply to any code in the APK, not just the AndroidX code): https://source.android.com/docs/core/runtime/signed-config Not sure whether it's actually used in practice - I can't see any references to android.settings.global in the AndroidX repo, but it's possible it's injected during the release/build process.
@535ec9d7 @d82adc62 Interesting! If I understand right, there's a receiver that triggers on package install, scans the manifest for this key (and an associated signature) and then applies an updated config globally, for all apps? https://cs.android.com/android/platform/superproject/+/master:frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/signedconfig/GlobalSettingsConfigApplicator.java;l=98;drc=e2b2432bc64fbbca667f11c79d0dc5e4f627284b Looks like this is a way to dynamically relax more APIs at the device level, maybe?