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 I have an old friend from school who I’ve known for 20 years.

Now mid 30’s. Unmarried, unsuccessful etc… He’s feeling insecure about where he’s at in life. Which is understandable. 

When we first met he was the most popular kid in school and I was lower status than him. 

Now in adulthood he can feel that he’s  lower status than I and he will make random digs at me in an effort to make himself feel better. 

Little immature things like “remember that girl you liked freshman year, she used to like me more”. lol sounds dumb to even type, but that is where this dude is at emotionally. Stuck in high school.

I love the guy like a brother, but the insecurity thing is kind of ruining the vibe every time we hang out. 
 This happens with most of my childhood friends . Trying to tear us down so they feel better about their lives. It’s toxic, I don’t put up with it anymore. 
 I found it amusing at first, but now I’m just like come on bro this is pathetic, get it together. 
 They double down on it as btc price goes up too . Bitcoin derangement syndrome. Rooting for us to fail low key 
 Yeah that’s the sad thing. Many of the people we were loyal to were actively disloyal to us the minute it became convenient for them. 
 Snakes everywhere fr its sad but better to figure out early before it gets more painful/expensive 
 Let the bridges we burn light our way 
 He sounds like a bitter guy and it might get worse as he grows older. 
 If you love him like a brother, try lifting him up. Small, positive things. He’s clearly not in a good place and this sounds like a front. Might just need some positivity around him and perhaps some direction?  Nothing wrong with being unmarried either. 
 I definitely do try to lift him up which is why the little digs at my expense get old quick. 
 Peaking in High School is rough. He might not even be conscious about what he is doing. Call him out on it next time he does it. See where it goes.  If not addressesd just going make you want to spend less time with him. Eventually killing the friendship. Sadly in the fiat standard mid 30s I feel like more people are trending the way of your friend. 
 I would say that he’s totally and completely normal for the millennial generation which is depressing. 
 Yea I see the same with the people I went to high school with. Very depressing. Fiat standard way of life taking souls.  A lot of unhappiness out there.   
 One of the hardest things is to watch somebody you knew when they were young become old and bitter. Because you remember them being light and happy. 
 Loyalty is respectful but sometimes we gotta new friends bro. We are who we surround ourselves with. 
 Vibes don’t lie. That’s a long note to post where you already know the answer.  You know you do. 
Grow or die. 
 Yeah true. You’re right. 
 I have a few friends from highschool years that I keep in touch with. One has turned very "liberal" (in the American, low-key holier-than-thou, superficially informed sense) over the years and I cannot talk to him about anything related to the happenings of the world because the PC bullshit that's imported straight from his liberal-"woke" US connections (we're European) will come flooding out and make me snap and tell him to shut his gob if I'm subjected to it one more time.

He's not unintelligent, just never willing to admit error. 
 The funny thing is that wokeness was originally imported from Europe to America. It’s really France we should all be mad at lol 😂 
 The funnier thing is that it seems to be France that is most willing to politically face the problems of "wokeness', apart from Poland and Hungary. Germany and England is still in denial about are world immigration and the gender bullshit (English partially excepted here). 
 Hopefully Wokeness is such a fundamentally retarded ideology that there’s no way it can sustain. 
 Oh, it will fall apart in time.

What worries me is how much damage it will do in the process. The people pushing woke retardation are not the kind of people that admit to making a mess and cleaning up after themselves.

They'll leave that to the rest of us while they go hide in safety somewhere. 
 If you love him like a brother, treat him like a brother. Tell this shit to him and not just to the internet. If he can't take it, you aren't brothers.  
 STAY HUMBLE, stack sats. 
 I’m still best buds with my entire crew from high school and university. 
Everyone has done well for themselves. 
I catch a lot of shit from every one of them for staying humble & stacking sats… but fk that. 
They are no coiners. 
 30s, unmarried. Sounds like success to me.