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 Is this a good pub? https://www.theepochtimes.com/ 
 Define "good" 
 Very hit and miss. They have multiple axes to grind. 
 Definitely fall more on the side of right wing and entertain some questionable stories, much like that of Redacted show. 
 Should be in the mix, I think, but not a go-to. I'm a [LewRockwell.com](https://lewrockwell.com) kind of guy, for context.  
 The truth is a triple edge sword. Their side, your side and in the middle the truth.
There's no such thing as unbiased media in my opinion. The epoch Times is OK, they are open about that bias favouring slightly to the right/libertarian. Though they do have an axe to grund sometimes. 
I live in the UK 🇬🇧 so they are a counter balance when I'm reading up on US 🇺🇸 events. 
 Yes. A divergence from Leftist Government sanctioned MSM. 
 Haven't been for a pint there so unsure 

I'll get my coat.... 
 It is for the people who at the moment are better than the worst ones, but who are still in the Matrix. And anyone in the Matrix is at risk of being used for evil purposes at any time.
I would stick to nostr, Robert Breedlove, Bitcoin Magazine, Bukele and Max Keiser. Rt.com and zerohedge.com are better that Epoch, but still need to filter very carefully 
 occasionally. Often very wacky, very out there. Think Zero Hedge -- some gems, some crazy, some reasonable.  
 epoch definitely has an agenda, tho occasionally they run some pretty solid pieces. readtangle.com is my go-to. 
 Partisan.  Need a DVM that will subtract the propaganda. 
 True. The slant is really obvious & easy to read around. They often cover stuff that no where else will.   
 I like your categorization of newspapers as data vending machines. A problem I often have is that I want to read a single story, but there's a paywall that wants me to subscribe to the whole newspaper. I'd rather be able to pay for just that one story. Just zap it and read.

To be honest, that's the reason I recently subscribed to The Epoch Times (besides the really low rate), because I often see interesting stories there, but there's a paywall... (and I don't always feel like using 12ft.io ) 
 One mans propoganda is another mans gospel. 
 ¿Buena en qué sentido? ¿Es una pregunta retórica?
No la conocía. En una revisión rápida, parece ser de extrema derecha.
Personalmente, no dejaría de darle una mirada porque lo es. Una visión amplia requiere conocer puntos de vista alineados con tus preferencias y aquellos que no. 
 There epoch health section too 
 Yes, other than too much friction for the user 
 If you’re anti-China, yes. Run by Falun Gong I believe. 
 Meh, some good some bad. They speak some truth to the nonsense of our day, advocating for freedoms and proper rights. They also lean hard into the value system of Christian right who tend to weaponize their faith to justify otherwise abhorrent behavior. 
 These three opinions guys are (imho) excellent thinkers and writers: Roger L. Simon, Jeffrey A. Tucker, Tiffany Brannan 
 I like its origin story and stance against oppression. 
 Step 1
Know who's publishing

Step 2
Cry to anonymous that they're stalking your accounts to try to get information because they're publishing for a particular audience 

Step 3
Know the audience 

Step 4
Point out the biases and stretching of the truth

 It's run by a Chinese religious/political organization that is anti-China. So while it's a decent contrarian opinion, I wouldn't trust it. 
 One of the few pubs I am still reading. When most others went lockstep and pushed the C19 vaccine propaganda Epoch Times published articles on vaccine side effects and injuries. I have saved hundreds of ET articles in my library. 
 The Epoch Times is a good balance against the trapped mainstream media. Somethings are propangda-ish like any media, but it was very very welcome publication while mainstream was forcing the vaxx narrative and glorifying china a few years back. 

If you love CCP China, don't read this.

 Jack is on a journey. It's hit and miss.  
 I’m right of center and I find them… a bit too sensationalist for my tastes. Years ago I thought they were OK but these days the Epoch Times is sounding more like the Babylon Bee. Only they’re serious about what they post. 
 My experience with Epoch is from over a year ago.  Mostly engaging in tolerable partisanship.  They exist primarily to be against the CCP.   It is refreshing to a certain audience.  Spams email boxes incessantly.  There is a difference among authors (C through A), and between the news-anchor style video (C+ B-), the long form interviews (B+ A-), and the investigative reports (A- A).  Generally very much factual, especially compared to mainstream.  Would be an example of the most extremely partisan news that could survive in an unmanipulated world, but in this one it appears as one of few that are really trying to report truth, even if slanted to the right intentionally as a counterbalance to the rest of the landscape. 
 They're funded by the CIA.  
 probably bc the cia/feds support their anti-communist attitude... it's not like they're secretly some arm of the government posing as an independent outlet 
 a) sauce b) why are you responding to my post with that claim? c) it is possible to accept funding and not be beholden to the agenda of the funder d) I am confident in my ability to verify factual information and debunk non-factual information / identify disseminators who are not independent based on their output, I don't need secondary 'guilt by association' maybes to help e) cia is not like a private foundation, there are uniquely many arms that have no effect on each other and projects, both public and covert, that have nothing to say about the actions of each other.  IOW it is important to show where the funding came from and who authorized it, if there is a trail at all. 
 As long as you are aware of their agendas & factor that in when viewing/reading their content. 
 I call them "the Ray Epps of news". They are often on the right side of an issue, but push too hard into sensational which then distracts from the truth and ultimately does more harm than good. 
 Epoch Times is run by the far-right cult Falun Gong, which is funded by the CIA. I trust horoscope readings more than I trust Epoch Times.

 I’ve been subscribed for a year. Some of their stuff is suss but it does provide a good perspective. 
 Thought question was about a beer hangout. 
 My take it’s anti-CCP propaganda mixed with regular news but I get the sense that it’s shadow-controlled by the CCP to gather intel on their enemies and detractors, could be wrong but LMK what you think 
 Truth, tradition and hope? Definitely not ~ 
 Like every publication they have a slant, but certainly worth reading to understand their POV. 
 If you like a sprinkle of facts smeared with a specific agenda. Often quotes way out of context or interpreted for you in a way that doesnt meet the original intent. Truly assumes no one will check the veracity of their claims. 
 Im just pleased your followers don’t just fall in line and delineate skepticism. Unlike the shitshow twitter has become. 
 The best.  Global News that’s ignored by MSM.  Pro freedom. 
 Thanks for sharing, interesting.

Most of article's claims fall under 'enemy of my enemy is my friend' and easily explained as the result of aligned interests / incentives between groups rather than evidence of a direct relationship between the members, much less full control by one over another.  It strangely plays apologist for the Chinese establishment while painting loose connections between Falun Gong, Epoch Times, the CIA, and the Trump administration.  It reads as though it could easily be a Snopes equivalent, however, and it is only because I know it's target to be a publication willing to report what so many others would not, one that is an enemy of a country with an advanced understanding of propaganda itself, that I suspect that it might be.  That said, it's a great place to start research for those interested in trying to take a look at the facts involved, and it does appear there are 'ties' between some members / arms / iterations of each group mentioned.  And don't get me wrong, I'm sure there's plenty of bad actors around in all - life is rarely a simple good guy bad guy story.  The article goes a bit short of finding the relevant details by itself, stopping short and painting a one-sided picture of guilt by association, rather than a more balanced journalistic approach (par for the course these days).  That's what most readers will do too - they don't want or can't go to archives in multiple languages and territories to figure it all out - they just want to say "Epoch = Trump = Falun Gong = CIA are 100% bad, therefore enemies of them are 100% good" ... and this article wraps up such preconcieved notions nicely.