Oddbean new post about | logout
 If I ever forget and skip creatine for a day or two I can actually feel my brain function less effectively. 
 it's hard to remember on a rest day 
 Do you actually find that weightlifting helps with memory? This could make sense in some way. I listened to a podcast with a physician recently who was talking about a possible link between muscle mass and dementia 
  I more so meant I literally forget to take it because if I don't go to the gym I don't think about my supplements. 😝

Regardless, it would make sense to me that weightlifting or any intense physical exercise would improve brain function, it's like our making our bodies and mind do what they were designed to do 🤷‍♂️ 
 lol That makes more sense 
 I think that’s in your head man, afaik creatine saturation is around 2 weeks 
 It could be, but honestly I don’t think it is. I think you’re right when it comes to muscle saturation. Mentally though It’s a subtle shift but I can notice when I’m taking it and when I’m not. 
 A lot of how we feel is mental. Whatever gets you there 
 Set up a wallet so I can zap you 
 Creatine, nicotine and exercise are key to ultra brain performance . 
 how do you consume your nicotine? 
 Nicotine pouches, zyn, rogue. 
 100% concur. Wife and I struggled with infertility for years. A month after I started incorporating creatine on top of the other 1,000,000 things we tried, we finally had a miracle. 
 What’s your go to brand? 
 Usually just go with whatever is cheapest lol 
 I’m using naked creatine from Amazon. I’m not knowledgeable enough to know if there is a diff. 
 Which would be Bulk Supplements 
 Do you think that’s a good thing? X 
 Creatine is shit. 

Can’t tell if you are serious or not
 Because it’s chemical shit. And I love you. And you shouldn’t take it. 
 Everything is chemicals bro. You’d have to eat a ridiculous amount of meat to get the same level of creatine you can get via supplementation. 
 I take 5mg per day. 
 i hope you mean Grams :) 5mg of creatine is nothing 
 There is some collective unbeknownst hive mind thing going on. Just this week I’ve talked with people about Creatine two different times. A bit too coincidental to be a coincidence. #Creatine on the mind. 
 Yes.  5 grams 
 I have but I don't use it...Do I have to change my diet or anything ? Just mix it in my water in the morning ? Good to go ?  
 Yep just take it once a day that’s pretty much it 
 Iiight  start tomarrow....
 I eat boiled eggs for breakfast

Lunch IMA bake fresh bread I already prepared dough at night 
With lamb chops I gotta cook and hummas red bean humans red beans soak over night like fusion mexican molé/hummas freestyle

Dinner I eat a bunch of fruit orange kiwi salt tajin lime juice w.E fruit I got maybe come carrots cucumber w.e in the fridge 

We gotta start messing with zap.Cooking  
 Once upon a time, my kidneys failed. The first thing the doctor asked me after I awoke (after passing out in the hospital lobby) was, "did you use creatine?" I hadn't. I was on dialysis for a month. Two years of physical therapy.

Go easy on that shit. 
 Your doctor was a dumbass. Creatine is a very safe and effective supplement and has no adverse effect on kidney function. 
 Quite possible... two totally unnecessary operations. I think I was his guinea pig. 
 Interesting. I have been using creatine for many years, and whenever I take a break for a week or so, I don't notice much difference except for my muscles losing a bit of water.

Does it make a significant difference for you during these days you don’t take the creatine? 
 Then you're not drinking enough water. 
 I drink a lot of water 
 Just stop being a hero man. 6.15🙄.  
 Like any normal person 

Big deal 

 I could gain weight eating 1000 calories a day if I’m taking 10g creatine daily