Oddbean new post about | logout
 I think inertia is leading us toward a quantified state, in which the costs of tracking and categorizing objects — primarily people, phones, cars, and money — as they move from place to place becomes so low that most institutions are doing it by reflex, without either considering or caring for consequences. Eventually, somebody is going to exploit the gap in information (between what is available to ordinary people, and what is available  to organizations) in a way that causes enormous, historic harm, as happened in WWII when a particular state realized that IBM had compiled a database that was perfect for populating a list of names of those who would soon be marched off to camps. And that was just census data. Now they know what you read, where you go, who you're with, and how you'll vote. 

The unfortunate reality of contemporary political thought is that consequences do not exist until they are felt. Rare is the chicken that fears the farmer. That means we've got two options: we either wait for the pain, or we stop waiting for political consensus.

 On this, you are entirely correct. 
 This morning I was reflecting on your talk and realized my life would be completely different if it weren't for your reports. It seems many people have very short memory spans when it comes to news cycles, but I never let go of what you and Julian showed the world. 

If I had let go I never would have found Bitcoin, I would probably still be in the fiat slave matrix ... blindly trusting the government because the state education system taught me to. 

I appreciate everything you've done and your continued support for freedom tech. 

I hope the tor <> nostr situation gets worked out so we continue to hear from you 💜🫂 
 In other words, we need to start burning down and plowing under the State before it foes so to us 
 Newton’s laws are quite an epiphany – even at its raw state, tech has constant or accelerated growth. The irony to this is that in order to have a form of political consensus, you’d like need a revolutionary leader like Peter the Great to bring about tremendous change, bearing in mind there is some form of authoritarianism – then again, when there is any leader of sort even in democracy, there is traces of authoritarianism.  Or – the Napolean Bonaparte version – post pain – and a huge anarchist revolution. I’ve been thinking a lot about the latter, and that maybe Bitcoin and Nostr is going to be how everyone takes shelter, safe haven. 

I did not know about the IBM punch card tech and the access usage by Nazi. I googled this up, Edwin Black has a book in this "IBM and the Holocaust: The Strategic Alliance between Nazi Germany and America's Most Powerful Corporation. “ (cc Uncle Bob who is doing  a lot of historic computer growth reads @unclebobmartin).  

But I was fascinated with the fact that Hitler rose from extreme polarisation of democracy during the Weimar Republic times. That and a number of big companies supported Holocaust – Volks, Audi, Allianz, Porsche, Hugo Boss, Siemens, Shell, Deutshe Bank, Associated Press. 

If you think about it, there was a time where a large group of people and capitalist industry that thought ethnic cleansing was ok. 

Maybe history, like fashion, repeats – just like how the Jews taking shelter  back in Russia today like they did about a hundred years ago. Would be interesting to see which way the branch leads – political consensus or aftermath of pain. 

After all, physics is deeply rooted in psychology, sounds about apt getting on an enlightenment era version 2. Thanks for the great take. 
 From: pam<-DerekRoss at 11/02 23:27

> I did not know about the IBM punch card tech and the access usage by Nazi. I googled this up, Edwin Black has a book in this "IBM and the Holocaust: The Strategic Alliance between Nazi Germany and America's Most Powerful Corporation. “ (cc Uncle Bob who is doing  a lot of historic computer growth reads).  

Thomas Watson Sr. was quite a character.  In his earlier years he worked for NCR, and engaged in a fair number of illegal commercial activities -- He was a white collar criminal who was eventually convicted of anti-trust felonies.  This conviction did not impede his growth in the industry.  Indeed, it likely accelerated it.  Eventually he grew to be the CEO and Chairman of IBM.  And, yes, he quite enthusiastiically sold equipment to the Nazis to help their trains run on time.

His son, Thomas Watson Jr. was eventually moved to apologize, on behalf of IBM, for that complicity.

CC: unclebobmartin 
 First read, then start acting accordingly!

 We need freedom of speech, freedom to transact, freedom to exchange and freedom to do everything with privacy 🔏.  
 Don’t you think that the exploitation of the gap in information is already happening? 
 @Snowden one can't help but feel totally overpowered by the data collection. That privacy, by default, is a 'premium service' on all we do, and thst we need to constantly contort ourselves just to minimise data collection;  all this leads to fatigue in playing the game. 

What keeps you motivated and hopeful? 
 Journalists and whistleblowers are too eager to self censor when it comes to exposing names and actions taken by the people who are members of organizations.  Organizations are immune to accountability and punishment.  People are not.  It is changing though, when Russel Brand was cancelled, some journalists were quick to publish Dame Caroline Dinenage's name, her husband's political connections, and letter she wrote.  As a news consumer,  I can't do much, but I can at least seek out and click more on journalists who write about people instead of vague institutions. 
"It is easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled"

Mark Twain


 You can fool some people sometimes, but you can’t fool all the people all the time.

- Bob Marley, Get up Stand up 
 this is what I expect as well unfortunately- freedom tech is hope fortunately 

 Also my base case @ODELL and @Snowden - because the existing manipulated system makes people more reliant on it as it as they turn to self interest in order to “protect” themselves from a system based on theft, coercion and control - making it and their own life within it - worse over time. People fall for easy to believe narrative’s within that system leading to division, giving more strength for the very system hurting them. 

The good news is that once you see #Bitcoin and #Nostr - you can’t “unsee” it, meaning that as one system gets worse, the network effect of #Bitcoin gets stronger - with each of us as nodes. 
Ie - the darkness cannot put out the light. 

The great news is that our path is accelerating at a staggering rate - with each person added in the ecosystem, every new product delivering value, and capital understanding starting to understand the opportunity - building ever more momentum on aligned incentives. 

If you simply ask what would those advocating or winning from a dishonest ledger say about an honest one you should expect chaos - lots of it. 

That said, it is hard to fight truth with lies. And there are far more of us….because we are all #Satoshi. 
 You may stop this individual,
but you can't stop us all... after all, we're all alike.

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 I think people will get burned and learn their lessons. 

 So do you wait for the pain in rusia, or do you stop waiting for political consensus in rusia? 
 They're not just knowing they're back to physically stalking me and the only thing cops are afraid of is harley davidson.  
 It seems we’re built to go through that pain to rethink solutions for the next time. No pain, no solution. 
 Didn't someone just hack India's biometric database and auction it off for $80,000? 
 The opportunity for political consensus is gone... 
 i think about this a lot : "we've got two options: we either wait for the pain, or we stop waiting for political consensus" 

 I think Whitney Webb has a few practical ideas here.. Like let’s stop using their products. We should be looking at local mesh networks etc. I have so much to do!  
 And there's risk that people who manage to stay out of surveillance become auto-suspects. "Why are you hiding? Papieren bitte!" 
 Who's on that concentration camp list this time round? And where can one go? 
 I don't know what to do or where to go, though. What do we do?