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 Parents of nostr, do/did you bed-share? Were you afraid of harming the baby?
 Never had that issue with ours. 
 ofc bed-share ...... that's how it's been for 100s of 1000s of years . .....

also, read to your kid _EVERY NIGHT_ ...... ∞ <3 
 All my kids, me, and my wife still sleep together. Our master bedroom has three large mattresses all on the floor. 

Any other arrangement is totally unnatural and inhumane imo.  

My kids will go to their own room around 6 years of age. 

If people are smothering their children they are to fat, drink to much alcohol, eat to much garbage , and need to go to the gym and hiking trails. 
 All o  the floor part seems important. My biggest concern is not smothering but falling. 
 Yeah I didn't really think about that. I just don't understand the point of a bed frame so never felt the need to waste money on one. 

My wife breast feeds our kids untill about 2 years of age. It just gets really annoying to her after that age and she can't sleep. But sleeping together and breast feeding is the easiest way for everyone to get a good night's sleep. 

If bottle feeding maybe you have to use a crib idk. At that point you are already breaking nature. So the babies are gonna be weaker.

Not to get to political here but,

I also stopped vaccinating my new borns. A 1 day old baby getting 15 vaccines at once is asking for sids imo. People should really consider waiting until after three or four months and then do what they feel is best.  
 My first one was breastfed until 1y3m because my wife got pregnant again and stopped producing milk 😂.

With the second one let's see but I think they should breastfeed at least until they can eat everything, after that it's kinda optional.

My first one always slept super well, so there was no need to keep him close, we actually woke him up, so more harm than good.

My issue with keeping the mattress on the floor is the dust accumulation... 
 Bed frames are to keep bugs from crawling on you while you sleep. 
 1 year and 3 months is really good. It varies by child and what they need. Really usually 6 months is fine if you need to. Can just feed them cow, goat milk and a bunch of fatty meat after that.  
 Occasionally, when he's sick/needy. I was VERY afraid when he was an infant, I've been sleeping in a tiny corner of the bed. Now that he's a toddler I'm more afraid of him harming me. 
 I was not afraid, I don’t roll when i sleep, my leg might twitch but i sleep in the prone position. I do/ don’t bed share. Crib was in our room for the first year after that if the kids wake up i would sleep with them on either the couch or for my second on the spare bed. The was much co-sleeping just not in our bed. It is just for us parents at night. 
 Only when the baby was sick and/or needed to be monitored overnight. Was not afraid. 
 We kept a crib next to the bed. Would sleep with us if sick or crying but they were both mostly content.  Im a heavy sleeper but your subconscious knows to be careful even then.  It’s pretty amazing how your protection instincts kick in at various times.  

That said, I wouldn’t recommend it if you’ve been drinking etc. 
 Highley recommend...
 Putting small babies in a separate room away from the only thing in the universe that can make them feel safe is some next-gen dystopian shit. Educate people on how to safely co-sleep instead of giving  them the idea that LACK of physical touch is somehow desired. Babies need skin-on-skin contact 24/7/365 basically until they start wanting to explore the world themselves, at which point they will disengage themselves.  
 I think some of this modern fear-based anti-intuitive parenting is one of the causes for the mental health epidemics we are experiencing right now.