I believe that time is a huge parameter. A) There's a MRV for a session, micro, meso, and macrocycle. More volume will not always return more/ better results. (SRA curve) B) Sets must be done within the range of 7-10 RPE to stimulate hypertrophy. Yes we can argue that Sets as low at 30% 1RM can stimulate hypertrophy, but only in absolute beginners. It ends up being junk volume, contributing to fatigue but not stimulus. C) Rest intervals lasting longer than 120seconds are significantly less stimulative to hypertrophy. Ideally rest is 60-120sec for hypertrophy. So what exactly were you doing for 4 hours? If the weight was light enough that you could be actually working for 4 hours then it either has exceeded your MRV or it wasn't heavy enough to stimulate hypertrophy. If your weights were heavy enough/challenging enough to elicit a response but you made it last 4 hours then your rest intervals would have been like 120minutes between sets. That much time would mean it's no longer stimulative because it's a new session. Since we're talking about hypertrophy and not athletic performance lemme ask, Does ANY competitive bodybuilder train one session for 4 hours? The fact that you went from 225 to 165 then to 185 tells me a lot though. For guys jacked at 225 they couldn't lose 60lbs. If they're 225 and 7-12% bodyfat.
The results are the results. I can see it in the mirror & on the scale. You'd initially said my workouts weren't generating muscle development. On that assumption, you are wrong.