@LESS THAN 200 DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS oh I was thinking it for on the right/left I still think having the head part against the wall is good, so you can sit down and rest your back against the wall
@025f29f7 you can't sleep over then. I only hang out with fellow middle bed supremacists
@LESS THAN 200 DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS I'm a chair hater I spend all the time in bed :bunBlanketIdle: so having a wall is comf for me
@025f29f7 nooo don't sit where you sleep. That's bad for your sleep
@LESS THAN 200 DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS my sleep is good What's bad is my back, but good chairs are expensive... and take up a lot of space...
@025f29f7 this is my chair. Cast iron outdoor dining chair I hate it https://whinge.town/media/19561270-c12d-4c80-8fa6-1bfb78e44b6c/Photo_AF52717204241898967051.jpg