The Death of the Petrodollar: Implications for the US Dollar and Global Power Dynamics =============== #7a21bb5d ver:0.51 The US-Saudi petrodollar agreement, in place for 80 years, has ended, potentially weakening the US dollar's global dominance. This shift could lead to higher inflation, interest rates, and a weaker bond market in the US. It is part of a larger trend of countries moving away from the dollar in international trade and oil transactions. The expiration of the agreement and challenges to the dollar's pre-eminence could have far-reaching implications for the US economy and global power dynamics. #Petrodollar #USdollar #GlobalPower #Economy... #newstr #Petrodollar #UssaudiRelations #GlobalPowerDynamics #UsDollar #ReserveCurrency #DigitalCurrency #Brics #Russia #China