Announcing 🗑️strfrui: a framework for writing strfry's event-sifter plugins in Go.
* Offers out-of-the-box event-sifters, including rate limiters.
* Sifter combinators: you can build own event-sifters by composing small parts together.
* Provides you foundations for writing a custom event-sifter as a simple function and running it.
Check it out:
Nice. Is this for strfry write policy plugin, Takumi-san?
Exactly! In fact, "write policy" was renamed to "event-sifters" without being noticed by anyone.
interesting project, been following it for a while 😊
Nice! Please add 'nostr' tag to this github repo, it will be imported as a nostr event.
Thanks! I’ll add it later.
COOL, definitely going to look into using this