everyone knows deportation is just gonna mean being sent to one of the less popular places, so, germany/france/netherlands forwards em to italy, spain, greece, bulgaria, hungary, poland, slovakia
so, i still say only criminals will hide
or stupid people, which you also don't want in your village
No, deportation is a Ländersache here and Bavaria deports to home countries.
Someone was so desperate to escape the police, last week, that he threw himself into oncoming traffic. Five cops grabbed him, tied him up, and carried him to the car. Right in front of us, out shopping. They had no fucks to give.
And neither did we.
well, that's nice, but there's dozens more where he came from and the ones throwing out the bait are playing a long game
Tables have turned.
maybe but how long until they find a new vector, the long game has to be about purging this kind of megalomaniac troublemaker from the species