Trying to decide if I should slowly upload all my past yo-yo tutorials to my nostr (spaced out so as to not spam the feed/followers) so that I can phase out my website and avoid YouTube…
I would advise not phasing out your website; instead embracing your controlled space on the internet even further. was launched today. Might be exactly what you're looking for.
I generated one earlier, it kind of is, I will have to tag my videos so that they show up on the right “pages” on my site, I hope as they iterate on the service they add the ability to filter out posts I don’t want to appear on my site as well as the ability to manually select what post goes to what page or to be able to make standalone pages that aren’t technically nostr posts. Somehow…
Thanks for trying it! Yes we have the ability to manually select posts on the roadmap, along with making them separate pages with specific urls instead of being 'posts'.
I was thinking of starting out fiddling with yo-yos , any recommendations for an affordable quality one?
I would say look for a Duncan butterfly xt. It has a ball bearing in it so it can spin for a long time compared to their traditional butterfly but also comes back to your hand with a tug easily. Once you have mastered the basic tricks you could try out some more advanced yo-yos (there are nearly endless options these days) but for starting out, I would recommend sticking to a basic budget yo-yo, just to get the fundamentals down. :) Ty for asking!