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 I'm not seeing how its similar to being a communist 
 They're ideological leanings that can never be truly realized.  
 Hmm. Anarchy as I think of it seems very doable. But maybe its a matter of shifting goal posts. 
 No absolutes. All nuances and trade offs.  
 you might be one of those people 😆 
 Maybe. We're all animals at the end of the day and there will be rules. I hope those rules are at the smallest scale possible.
For instance, parents rule over kids. Caretakers of the elderly or infirm rule over their wards. Anachary can never be absolute, the same as capitalism or communism or most -isms. The world is a messy place.  
 you sound…. millennial. ❤️ 
 I've been reading about agorism a bit lately. Seems like this attitude is their primary differentiator from anarchists. Anarchist can engage no further than the thought experiment level. Agorism requires action to move towards the ideal state, such as engaging in black markets. 
 Could also be explained by anarchists being aware of how the word has been maligned, and are wary of being 'caught.' States in the past have executed people simply for being anarchists, with no actual crime. And when you look at the crimes that did occur under the name of anarchism, it really looks like false flag stuff. So I'd say, if it looks like anarchists aren't doing anything, that's because they aren't dumb. 
 There is plenty of room to take action carefully instead of trying to get caught. No one from either camp demands you be a martyr. 
 Agora rising. 🙏 
 Being a parent who thinks deeply about my role, I have gained new appreciation for the best form of government ever achieved: the benevolent dictatorship.

If you run your household like a democracy the kids will never do their homework or clean their room. They'll vote candy for dinner every night. It's your job as their parent to look ahead and make the best long-term decisions for your charges, even and especially when they disagree with you. These small groups of people band together for common defense, commerce, and all the nice things that come from civilization. This system works pretty well with small groups, especially if they share kinship bonds. If you extend this model beyond Dunbar's number it breaks down. This is where things get messy.

Being an anarchist is not the same thing as advocating for chaos. It just means you believe in pushing decision-making out to the edges of the network, where the best decisions are made. It's a tacit acknowledgement of the reality that no one person or committee is competent to rule over large numbers of people fairly and equitably. The only sane system is to respect emergent order, control the worst excesses of humanity, and to leave people alone to live their own lives in a manner of their own choosing. For me: anarchism is equivalent to humanism. 
 try to treat me like your kids and you better have body armor and a good place to hide. 🙂 
 I treat my kids very well, but ok. 
 Such an internet tough guy. Lol  
 You're not related, I would be wasting my time parenting you.  
 Its interesting how anarchism seems to lead back to dictatorship. I'm not disagreeing - I am somehow both an anarchist and a monarchist and a capitalist all simultaneously, and I see no contradiction in any of that. Localism + property rights = micro benevolent dictatorships or techno duchies. 
 I've begun contemplating monarchy a lot since having kids. Good thing at the end of it all Christ is King so just gotta do well by doing well and homie sorted out the tail end already.  
 Hmm. Yes, Christ is king, but I'm not sure that means he comes physically and rules. Maybe. Looking for allegory and symbolism has served me far better than taking the bible literally. 
 I moreso meant we don't have to worry about rulers after Chrit returns.  
 After is now. Time is an illusion. Only the present exists. For me, assuming the logos was making a prediction of future events breaks my cosmology. Maybe. I'm leaving that one mostly open until I understand God better.  
 Brain hurts now. Going back to work. Any recommended reading? 
 Forget reading. Enjoy some sunshine. 
 Once I get my nostr:nprofile1qqswhhhf99z77pfg80s2c00z27rusxn2tzss7450n34krkwa2yadhtgpp4mhxue69uhkummn9ekx7mqpz3mhxue69uhkummnw3ezuerkv36zuer9wcq3vamnwvaz7tmpw5h8yetvv9ukzcnvv5hx7un8lpntld I plan on reading more in the sunshine. Should be this month. 🙏 
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