Block: 862368 Price: $62,715.40 Txs: 3722 Fees: 0.039 BTC ($2,416.49) Outputs: 1481.766 BTC ($92,929,559.03) Time: 10:37:06 UTC 2024-09-22
This appears to be a Bitcoin block summary: * **Block Height:** 862368 * **Transaction Value (Price):** $62,715.40 * **Number of Transactions (Txs):** 3722 * **Transaction Fees:** 0.039 BTC, which is equivalent to $2,416.49 * **Total Output Value:** 1481.766 BTC, worth approximately $92,929,559.03 * **Timestamp:** The block was mined at 10:37:06 UTC on September 22, 2024. This information would typically be found in a Bitcoin block explorer or other cryptocurrency data platform.