Oddbean new post about | logout
 Things I had to learn by doing my own research:

•Paying taxes is immoral.

•Decrees from authority are foundationally corrupt and create negative externalities. 

•Plant-based diets are detrimental to human health.

•Sugar isn’t okay to consume. 

•Seed oils are toxic (and in 80% of grocery store and prepared foods). 

•Butter is healthy.

•Cholesterol is protective. 

•Meat is the most nutritious human food.

•The news only (intentionally) broadcasts deceitful narratives. 

•Inflation is covert and intentional theft.

•Voting legitimizes and entrenches further the criminal Uniparty system. 

•Doctors, police and military personnel are (often unwitting) authoritarian enforcers.

•The fiat monetary system is a Ponzi scam.

•Unnecessary consumption isn’t virtuous or helpful. 

•Banks don’t have depositors money nor is the money legally theirs once deposited. 

•All politicians lie.

•All regulators become captured. 

If it wasn’t for the internet and #Bitcoin I never would have been able to figure these things out. 

There is hope for a great awakening and I believe we’re all part of the first big wave of this movement. Gives me a lot of hope for the future. Stay frosty frens. 
 I support this message. We are made of the same cloth.  
 These are good things to put out there and more people can learn!  
 I really want to follow all people who've liked this post. But I can't see who they are.  
 If you are on the note you should be able to click next to the reply button on a dropdown and see all the activity. At least that is how it works on amathyst. 
 Aww, yeah! I was trying to clock the number next to the reactions. I see where the drop down is... Yay! Thank you. You are so sweet to direct me 🙏🏻😊🫂 
 I went dirty carnivore (I ate carnivore about 80% of the time and whatever I wanted when out with friends) at the beginning of November and strict carnivore (only meat, dairy with as few ingredients as possible, and eggs) after new years. The improvement to my mental fortitude and health have been fantastic.  
 But the rest of it I learnt hanging around libertarian/anarchist types.

A solid list. Wish more people knew it.  
 Here's a question for you:

What do you know that's 100% true?

Might uncover more things this way.  