Oddbean new post about | logout
 I tried to tag you but it copied it from your mastodon and truncated so went back to try to find your Nostr ID as this is important is no to share. Sorry for flubbing that up that up!  
 No worries. Understood. I agree. I will post the original in a comment here for others. Thank you for sharing! 
 It’s so frustrating when I realize I messed up posting because I can’t edit or delete 😭😭 
 I agree. Though I have had good success with NIP-09 deletion requests, and although certain devs are trying to rally against it (FJ for one), and some other clients still don't allow them, I am grateful that #Amethyst supports edits. It should be a standard functionality, even if it were limited to something like three edits or for 48 hrs etc. 
 I have used Amethyst but like the interface and functionality of Primal so I have been using that but may have to go back and try Amethyst again. I get the reasoning of no delete but at the same time I wish I had total control over my own notes.