Warehouse Worker Safety Act Aims to Protect Workers from Unsafe Conditions =============== #7a8763e9 ver:0.12 The Warehouse Worker Safety Act, introduced by Senators Ed Markey and Tina Smith, aims to protect warehouse workers from unsafe conditions by regulating quota practices. The bill would require companies to disclose quotas, ban those that rely on excessive surveillance, and hold companies accountable for non-compliance. However, the National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors opposes the bill, citing concerns about productivity. Amazon is reviewing the legislation but claims to already implement many of its requirements. #WorkerSafety #WarehouseWorkers #Legislation... #newstr #WarehouseWorkerSafetyAct #WarehouseSafety #Amazon #UsCompanies #QuotaPractices #KeithWilliams #NationalAssociationOfWholesalerdistributors https://here.news/story/7a8763e9?ver=0.12