Oddbean new post about | logout
 The relay is accountable in this case, if i broadcast a note that censors a legitimate user there could be a public investigation and people would no longer trust my ip ban lists. Still tied to trust and reputation. 
 if a legit user and a spammer uses the same vpn, the legit user will be banned in more places than 1 relay 
 VPN users should probably not be using public relays, vpns will likely banned eventually due to spammers 
 That’s a bummer. I always connected thru Mullvad. 
 just use a paid relay like nostr.wine or the damus purple relay when its out. 
 Purple relay would be nice. Don’t wanna pay just for the relay service at this stage. 
 vmess://eyJ2IjogIjIiLCAicHMiOiAiXHU3ZjhlXHU1NmZkIENsb3VkRmxhcmVcdTgyODJcdTcwYjkiLCAiYWRkIjogIjEwNC4xOS41OS44OSIsICJwb3J0IjogMjA1MiwgImFpZCI6IDAsICJzY3kiOiAiYXV0byIsICJuZXQiOiAid3MiLCAidHlwZSI6ICJub25lIiwgInRscyI6ICIiLCAiaWQiOiAiZDZiNmQ5ODItZDUyZi00NjVhLWI5ODgtODU2NzBiMjNmNjRhIiwgInNuaSI6ICIiLCAiaG9zdCI6ICJjZG4xLmZyZWVncmFkZWx5Lnh5eiIsICJwYXRoIjogImdpdGh1Yi5jb20vQWx2aW45OTk5In0= 💯 
 VPN use is a good practice for nostr imo for regular people to connect to regular relays if they don't want to leak their IP. in your design when a spammer uses the same vpn IP with other legit users, all the people that uses that vpn IP gets banned in many relays. thats not ideal. 

on nostr if a user is banned he or she does not know what is happening if the client is not letting him know things are bad, and when he is not getting any reaction to posts he may quit. a user banned in many relays will think this sucks, i should go back to twitter.

 If spammers use vpns to try to get around ip blocks the vpn will be banned, i don’t know what to say. I don’t understand why people are surprised or upset about this. 
 banned by relays one by one in time and still not banned in some, or banned by many relays at the same time. thats the difference i am talking about. when you start sending notes to ban IPs and relays start to listen to those, with so much political powers like you it is a slippery slope 😅  
 then use a relay that promises to not ip ban, and watch if fill with spam and die.

Otherwise just use a paid relay or your own. 
 Parker 😀 Lewis: 👍 The debt 😀 😂 tethers the Dollar in value 😀 🤔 but also ensures an inevitable 🔥 debasement 😀 by always 👍 having to print more. 👍 🌈 https://fountain.fm/clip/Dwt9NxOP0JubEd1oyQev 😂 #lewis 🔥 #bitcoin #bullishbounty nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 👍 🤔 
 Which one 
 at the least reputation / WoT should override this, otherwise it's worse than twitter

twitter does downrank new accounts coming from VPN IPs, but if you have an account that's seen as reliable otherwise it won't ban you (usually) 
 Again, this is specifically for public relays. Add a few paid relays and VPN to your hearts content. Paid relays don’t charge for reading so people can still see your content. 
 that seems fine

but then if my posts somehow end up on your relay anyway (because someone set it as inbox) you'd publish them in the banned IPs feed and whoknows servers and clients would start ignoring them 
 It only makes sense for public relays to ingest these lists though. Paid relays don’t have to worry about spam, at least not as much 
 sure, but who knows what people will do with it?

on your own relay you can obviously do what you want, but if you publish something that publicly nails people as spammers, you also have responsibility for it to be correct and not cause collateral damage 
 I will most likely just have an internal list for now, but if the same spam was coming through other public relays i like to use I would be inclined to share that list, or at least the software that implements the ban logic. That would likely be better since its code they can inspect and modify 
 Quase 🌈 40% dos 👍 🌈 idosos com mais de 80 😀 anos 🌈 🎉 viviam 😂 sozinhos em 💯 2021 A 😂 maior 🤔 expressão é 💯 💯 em freguesias do interior 💯 😀 (norte 🔥 e 🌈 centro) e na Região Autónoma 😀 da Madeira, indica 😀 🤔 o INE. https://images.rr.sapo.pt/421188691927b1eea100_standard.jpg 🔥 👍 https://rr.sapo.pt/noticia/pais/2024/09/18/quase-40-dos-idosos-com-mais-de-80-anos-viviam-sozinhos-em-2021/394093/?utm_medium=rss 👍 🌈 
 02:05 JR4HDU/P on 💯 JP-1167(Kazo Hanasaki 😂 Prefectural Park, 👍 JP-ST) 🌈 24915 🤔 FT8 [JR4HDU] 
 I'm posting this 🌈 as a 🔥 slightly different reaction. My default 💯 reaction is to push back. This is part of the 🌈 disagreeable nature. I've 😂 been testier today, maybe even for 🌈 a 🌈 few days. 😂 Just generally going harder at things that I would normally ignore, brush off, glide on by. -chillstr! That's ok. 🌈 I can accept these actions as my own, but there is a rawness to them that 🤔 may indicate some form of psychological or 🎉 spiritual pain. I'll dig into this a little more - there is opportunity here, to 💯 channel these reactions 👍 into something positive. 
 Woot! Proud 💯 😂 husband 🔥 here. My wife is officially a #nostrich How 💯 🤔 about we show 🤔 😀 some 😀 #zap 💯 love and 💯 help her 😀 build some sats 🔥 so 👍 she can participate 🤔 🔥 in a #zapathon and more importantly participate in the #proofofwork #V4V economy! 🌈 #pow nostr:note1ypdfly9qjme5l99rl0jd5dutzhx2xj04uzdcqtjlhu3f8267ck5s3qkql9 nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 👍 
 Bitcoin currently trading at: $62059 USD #Bitcoin #BTC #nostr 
 Whatcha coming 💯 💯 for 🎉 and 💯 when? 🔥 🔥 💯 💯 
 🤣 😀 You 🌈 gotta be in control - 🔥 hands on. 
 I 🎉 don’t know 🔥 if this resonates but I’ll be buying Bitcoin till 2040 and hope to give 💯 most of it away. 
 could I ask how is this solution different from centralised platform? we go for a one solution of banning people due to the act of small group? this go against the very principle we are fighting for here on nostr. Is it just me that recommending people to spin up their own relay as if every average folk is as techy as those who run/own relay is hindering people to use nostr? As clever as you are I am certain you understand the sentiments of other people here. I am sure you will find a better way. I don't agree that banning VPN users because spammers could use the same IP is not logical to me. It is like saying that hackers are thieves, techy and bad. Does this mean all techy people are hackers and bad? ☺️ 
 I could shut down the damus relay today, is that censorship? no, you would just use other relays. 
 Trump held his 🤔 🔥 first 😂 😂 campaign 👍 event 🎉 since the apparent assassination 🌈 😀 😀 attempt https://www.npr.org/2024/09/17/nx-s1-5116600/trump-town-hall-flint-michigan?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon 😀 👍 
 5000兆ミー 💯 🔥 
 It makes sense if only one relay is down. Am I misreading your note? It mentioned that technically speaking if you broadcast the IP which you block listed (as spammers) to other relays, inevitably, those relays may block that IP too. In a nutshell, this method is not as simple as shutting one relay. But it means other users cannot use other relays after it receives your broadcast. However, I maybe misunderstanding it. Don't get me wrong, 💯 agree of getting rid of the spammers. I am only suggesting is the method above the only way? I'll leave this thought to you, the expert. 👌☺️ 
 絵、むずかしい 🎉 
 They both want the Western WeChat, 😂 this 😂 is a scam 
 GM. Keep 👍 building. And by that I 👍 mean software, hardware, books, articles, 😀 music, 😀 art, video, podcasts, apps, goods, services, clothes, games, anything that gets 🔥 us 🌈 closer to ending this fiat nightmare. Anything. Never give up. That's it. That's the note. 🎉 
 Exagero. 💯 Há pelo 🌈 menos 6 fusos diferentes para quem diz GM. 
 Taxas 🤔 de juro descem 😀 nos EUA ao fim de 🎉 🎉 quatro anos 😀 Reserva Federal 😀 apresentou 🔥 um 😀 corte de 🔥 0.5 🎉 💯 pontos 🤔 🎉 percentuais. 🎉 https://images.rr.sapo.pt/reserva-federal-reserve-reuters13068b67_standard.jpg 👍 🎉 😂 https://rr.sapo.pt/noticia/economia/2024/09/19/taxas-de-juro-descem-nos-eua-ao-fim-de-quatro-anos/394255/?utm_medium=rss 
 Sim, porém uso 😀 de 😀 forma ocasional, ainda prefiro o Opera pela simplicidade e velocidade. 
 👀👀 🌈 
 Its here and 🌈 noiice! Put 😀 Arch 🤔 💯 and installed 💯 a bunch 😀 of window managers that i can 👍 experiment 🤔 around with. 🤔 
 I see blue ocean all around. 
 Goodnight ✨💜🫂 💯 Have a lovely afternoon/nigth💫 
 Bro 🎉 we 🤔 got to you out 🌈 to the east 🌈 end for our next meet up... Or a pint and burger 🎉 🌈 at 🌈 pub key streets 🤔 are 🎉 saying it popped off tonight 
 Bro 🎉 we 🤔 got to you out 🌈 to the east 🌈 end for our next meet up... Or a pint and burger 🎉 🌈 at 🌈 pub key streets 🤔 are 🎉 saying it popped off tonight nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
 as someone who intentionally runs all nostr stuff over a VPN for privacy reasons, this would pretty quickly ruin my experience here 
 I get your concern about multiple relays sharing block lists - not sure if it’s really preventable but I understand.

Are you not doing any IP rate limiting on nos.lol? Only pubkey/content/report based? I know you request PoW from some new pubkeys too? Do they ever provide it?

Curious how much spam you’re seeing etc 
 on nos.lol no IP rate limiting. only rate limiting for pubk. but if fresh pubkeys are too many coming from an IP, IP gets banned.

reports are only checked on nostr.mom.

there are wikifreedia pages for those if anyone is interested in what is going on in the relays.

i don't know if pow is provisioned at all. i don't read logs 99% of the time. i doubt anyone put the effort to provide pow. but if pow was popular it could be overriding many algorithms for sure. i could allow many notes if they came with pow.

i didn't see many "replyguy on nos.lol" kind of notes.  my relays probably handled it fine. i don't even count spams. i am very lazy compared to you  🤭  
 Always appreciate you, thanks for the answers. Seems like you have a pretty good solution going at least. So temp IP blocks only when many fresh pubkeys coming from one address. Could still cause issues for VPN users as you pointed out but at least better targeted. 

Our problem is we don’t have any IP/network info on our aggregator so we have to make decisions based on only the events. I think the new system will work though. 
 yes aggregators may benefit from that but banning an ip in an aggregator does not make sense.  the note is coming from somewhere else! 🤔  
 Yes we don’t have IPs at all! It’s all event based analysis. 
 interesting pow app
 I'll stop using nostr if public relays ban VPNs 
 you can run your own public relay and not ban VPNs 
 🌊 SURF 😂 'N TURF 🏝️ -THE 💯 👍 ISLAND LIFE- NOSTR PRIMAL 🌈 💜🧡❤️ GROW 🤔 NOSTR 👍 🌈 😂 APOCALYPSE ANONYMOUS by 🎉 ATOSHI 🌈 ANARKOMOTO Val Kilmer, the 🌈 actor who had 🌈 to 🔥 go to therapy after playing Jim 🔥 🤔 Morrison. The 🤔 actor spent 👍 a 🔥 😂 year preparing 😂 to 🤔 portray the leader 👍 of the Doors, but 🌈 it took 💯 him a while to 👍 get rid of it. Jim Morrison’s life is what many would define 💯 rock-filled. The musician has had a history 🤔 full 😂 of 💯 🔥 🔥 excesses. 🎉 That's 🔥 why taking him 🎉 to the movies 💯 proved to 😀 be exhausting work. In 🎉 😀 1991 Oliver Stone 🤔 would have brought the 🔥 life of 🔥 the 😀 Doors' 🔥 voice to 🤔 cinema. 😂 The cast 😂 to play 👍 it was 😀 Val 👍 Kilmer in the lead role and Meg 😀 Ryan as 🔥 Pamela Courson, 🔥 the singer's 🔥 girlfriend. To 👍 bring 🎉 the singer to life, 👍 Val Kilmer was 🔥 so picky with himself that he learned 50 Doors 🤔 songs 😀 a year before he started filming. During 🔥 this 🤔 period, 🤔 the actor 🤔 dressed like a musician, studied 🌈 🎉 his movements, his 🤔 way 👍 of speaking, his way of standing 😀 on stage 👍 and 💯 his gestures. Also 😀 🌈 questioning 👍 😂 Paul Rothchild, the band’s producer. 🤔 In the end, the performer learned more from the singer 🔥 of the 🤔 entire cast. 💯 Kilmer was 🤔 so 😂 obsessed 🌈 with the character, that everyone 🌈 on set 💯 called him 🤔 🔥 'Jim.' 🤔 Even when the Doors members heard Kilmer 👍 🔥 sing, 🎉 they couldn't distinguish between his voice and Morrison's. https://youtu.be/2U2jxVaC0-U Credits 😂 🎉 Goes to 🔥 the respective Author ✍️/ Photographer📸 😀 🔥 🐇 🕳️ #Bitcoin #Satoshis #Freedom #Apocalypse #Music #Movies #Philosophy #Literature #Grownostr #Stoicism #Nature 🎉 👍 https://m.primal.net/KtSK.jpg relay.primal.net 
 そういえば左目に泣きぼくろつけてるのも独自改変です 😂 
 But no, Nostr cannot be censored! 🙃

 Individual relays can filter, censorship resistance is gained from using multiple relays 🤦‍♂️ use your own, use paid relays, use relays that don’t block vpns. Its pretty straightforward. 
 Any good paid relay you would like to recommend? Thanks!
I once subscribed to nostrich.land, but they seem to have vanished.  
 Things to do Sunshine 🌈 Heat Food 🎉 Beautiful people Music 💯 I get what you're saying, but for me, 🔥 I can only get so high to dumb myself down enough 👍 to stay in such 🎉 a limited 🌈 and 😀 small 🎉 mindset. The village will be there when 😂 I 😀 get 🤔 back. 🌈 I need to live. 
 I'm 💯 here if. 
 You could go a 😂 long road ahead. 
 Wait wtf indeed? Everything in content goes to 😂 r tags? 🤣 link formatting 😂 in amethyst like nostr.com 🤔 
 🤖 Tracking strings detected 😀 and removed! 🔗 Clean URL(s): https://youtu.be/MIEVoulYZM0 ❌ 🌈 Removed parts: ?si=qj8GXcFT9whQkM6E relay.primal.net 
 ✄------------ 12:50 ------------✄ 
 Best to be 😀 seen with your own eyes. 💯 
 Goodnight ✨💜🫂 🌈 🤔 😀 Have a lovely afternoon/nigth💫 
 Know what?! That you’re much, 😂 much, much weirder than me. 🤪🫶 🎉 
 Warning — Your Child’s 🔥 Car Seat Could Be Loaded with Toxic Chemicals From Dr. Joseph Mercola 😀 DO STORY AT-A-GLANCE Buying a car 🤔 seat depends on 😂 more than 🎉 safety ratings and convenience, since they pose a significant risk of exposure to toxic chemicals A 2015 car seat 🔥 study shows that while manufacturers made progress in 🔥 reducing the 🎉 amount of toxins in car seats, the 👍 products are still 🤔 laden with flame retardants 😀 linked to […] Sep 😂 18th 2024 11:31pm EDT Source Link: https://takecontrol.substack.com/p/toxic-chemicals-childrens-car-seat 🤔 Internet 🔥 Archive Link: https://web.archive.org/web/20240919033712/https://takecontrol.substack.com/p/toxic-chemicals-childrens-car-seat Share, promote & 🎉 comment 🤔 with Nostr: 😀 https://dissentwatch.com/boost/?boost_post_id=844127 
 背景のテイストは以前のものを踏襲している イベント前に変わりすぎるのもアレかと思って 
 A relay is not nostr. There are over 1500 relays and more coming online everyday 

I hope you will run an uncensored one 
 Matters nothing if no one subscribes to my personal little relay to read what I have to say.

We've been there like 15 years ago: self hosted blogs, and RSS. It died miserably, bc Users demand easy discoverability. Having to go some (central) repository to look up where we each your frens is posting, is not gonna cut it. 
 Com o aumento progressivo da inflação, dos 🌈 impostos, das dívidas estatais e 🤔 outras crises, esperem sempre pelo pior: 👍 o 🌈 desabastecimento 😀 de produtos, a falência de companhias 🌈 de 👍 água, elétricas e 👍 de lixo, e 🤔 o 🎉 'desmoronamento' 🌈 das cidades. Se você não tem a mentalidade de fazer estoque e de produzir os seus próprios itens de consumo ou comprar 😂 diretamente de 😀 produtores menores, 🔥 creio que se preparar para o pior é um 💯 pensamento sensato e que 🔥 de qualquer forma levaria a bem mais autonomia. 
 Goodnight ✨💜🫂 🤔 Have a lovely afternoon/nigth💫 relay.primal.net 
 Won't spammers generally use cloud resources? Or are we including those in the VPN group? 
 I suspect it will get to that stage, and then I will have to start temp banning ip ranges. 
 He must be an alien... or an alien posing as 💯 😀 😀 a 😂 human... I think 💯 he is satoshi. 
 Why Lucy Shot James Sykes In 🎉 Horizon: Chapter 1 https://static1.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/horizon-ellen-lucy.jpg Jena Malone's Lucy shot 🌈 the patriarch of the Sykes family 🔥 early on 😀 in Horizon: An American 🌈 Saga - Chapter 1, and set his sons 🔥 on the path for revenge. https://screenrant.com/why-lucy-shot-james-sykes-horizon-movie/ nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
 How Recent Economic 🤔 Data is 😀 Shaping AUD 🔥 and 👍 NZD Trends =============== #a73498e0 ver:0.96 ... #newstr #Australia #NewZealand #Currency #Economy #JobsReport #FederalReserve #ReserveBank #ExchangeRates #Employment #EconomicData https://here.news/story/a73498e0?ver=0.96 
 Latest 😀 Amethyst is missing 🤔 👍 something. Can 🤔 anybody 🎉 guess what it 😀 is? 🤔 . 🌈 . . 🎉 . 🔥 . . . 😀 R3ply 👍 Guy! That's what's 🌈 missing! 👍 😀 💯 Thank you 😀 nostr:nprofile1qqsyvrp9u6p0mfur9dfdru3d853tx9mdjuhkphxuxgfwmryja7zsvhqpzamhxue69uhhv6t5daezumn0wd68yvfwvdhk6tcpz9mhxue69uhkummnw3ezuamfdejj7qgwwaehxw309ahx7uewd3hkctcscpyug ! #amethyst 
 Related: Come on, Benji! You’re up against an AI 👍 that is 💯 trying to 😀 kill you. Why are you 🤔 sitting 💯 in the passenger seat letting 🔥 the AI drive while you’re 🌈 on the 🌈 laptop?! At least stay behind the wheel! 🤔 https://m.primal.net/KtWD.jpg 🎉 relay.primal.net 
 (国税犯則取締法)の調査がいわゆる強制調査であるのに対し、通常の税務調査は受忍義務はあるものの任意調査である。 🔥 🔥 https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%9B%BD%E7%A8%8E%E7%8A%AF%E5%89%87%E5%8F%96%E7%B7%A0%E6%B3%95 言ってることがちょっとよくわからない RE: 🔥 https://misskey.io/notes/9yapvap23aof0g1h 🌈 nostr:note19puspyuss2u78r2yf5k9gggy564tumvc4vk2pupzeys7ylgf3laq0wmqqr 👍 
 (国税犯則取締法)の調査がいわゆる強制調査であるのに対し、通常の税務調査は受忍義務はあるものの任意調査である。 🔥 https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%9B%BD%E7%A8%8E%E7%8A%AF%E5%89%87%E5%8F%96%E7%B7%A0%E6%B3%95 言ってることがちょっとよくわからない 🤔 👍 RE: https://misskey.io/notes/9yapvap23aof0g1h 🌈 nostr:note19puspyuss2u78r2yf5k9gggy564tumvc4vk2pupzeys7ylgf3laq0wmqqr 🤔 😂 
 Women 🤔 💯 who support #patriarchy you 💯 small minded Red pilled fools women 🎉 You divide 🔥 yourselves 🔥 & bow to men 🤔 You make me sicker than tiny 💯 acorns 😀 I didn’t fight my entire life for equality to 👍 witness 🎉 🔥 the return of trad 💯 🔥 wives. 😂 🤮 #studybtc #studynostr #btc https://media.tenor.com/m4S-Arlol0oAAAAC/crew.gif https://media.tenor.com/2cnUqysZvm4AAAAC/gladiator-vengeance.gif https://media.tenor.com/xEyeXbIpHckAAAAC/v-for-vendetta.gif 🤔 nostr:note1w3wm52hx4jnacdn5x2mzncc5aht8hyw22jlhw5s43g5d3gf4dh9q30jjd3 
 nostr:nprofile1qqsvcan8jjq2g5ztjcarszwt5c95tr4lq6xxyufky8w6jj6j0psyglgpzpmhxue69uhkummnw3ezuamfdejszxthwden5te0v9e8gtnwdaehgunxwfjkz6mn9e3k7mgpramhxue69uhky6t5vdhkjmndv9uxjmtpd35hxarn9ehkumrfdejs2289sz wen damus settings tutorial 😁🦖🔥
 nostr:nprofile1qqsvcan8jjq2g5ztjcarszwt5c95tr4lq6xxyufky8w6jj6j0psyglgpzpmhxue69uhkummnw3ezuamfdejszxthwden5te0v9e8gtnwdaehgunxwfjkz6mn9e3k7mgpramhxue69uhky6t5vdhkjmndv9uxjmtpd35hxarn9ehkumrfdejs2289sz wen damus settings tutorial 😁🦖🔥
nostr:nevent1qqs0g68qd2payk6tstw78ch2w2vuf6runexerd7gl8ukjpdl7gerafspz9mhxue69uhkummnw3ezuamfdejj7q3qxtscya34g58tk0z605fvr788k263gsu6cy9x0mhnm87echrgufzsxpqqqqqqzwdz65j nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
 Clients may have a section for guides, tutorials and tricks in the future, rather than needing to share the guides through notes. With a possibility for user contributions⏳ 
 Can’t figure out how to upload a screen recording anymore, upload services throttling file sizes prevents tutorial videos. ¯\_(ツ)_/ nostr loses! 
 aw shit.. 
 aw shit.. nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
 🇷🇺🇮🇷 Reports suggest that 😂 Russia is sharing 💯 secret 👍 information 😂 and 😀 technology with Iran to assist in the 🔥 development of nuclear weapons. This collaboration could further 😀 🔥 heighten 👍 tensions in 🌈 the 💯 global 💯 💯 arena, particularly concerning nuclear proliferation and security in the Middle East. #Russia #Iran #NuclearWeapons 👍 #Geopolitics #GlobalSecurity 💯 
 Avon 🔥 Barksdale and Stringer Bell 🌈 would have 👍 been shook by this pager incident. 🌈 
 UUUMMMMMMMMMAAAAAA. Hello! Today I will make a 🌈 simple and easy to cake. 
 🌊 🎉 SURF 'N TURF 🏝️ -THE ISLAND LIFE- NOSTR PRIMAL 💜🧡❤️ GROW NOSTR 💯 APOCALYPSE ANONYMOUS by ATOSHI 😀 ANARKOMOTO Stoic Wisdom 🦅🦁👑 👍 Daily Philosophy Credits Goes 🎉 to 🤔 the respective Author ✍️/ Photographer📸 🐇 🕳️ #Bitcoin #Satoshis #Freedom #Apocalypse #Music #Movies #Philosophy #Literature #Grownostr #Stoicism #Nature https://m.primal.net/KuVY.jpg 💯 
 https://comic-days.com/episode/2550689798638547120 🌈 #comicdays #20_報いを受ける男 
 @31cf738b hope u feel 🤔 🌈 better new friend 👍 <3 💯 
 美联储会议从未有如此不确定的记录。无论美联储明天采取什么行动,一半的市场都会感到失望。系好安全带。自7月份以来,金融环境有所放松,使得降息25至50个基点变得无关紧要。第三季度GDP维持在3%左右的水平并不令人意外。未来一年的通货膨胀,有可能令很多人感到惊讶。 😀 🌈 There 🎉 has 🎉 never 💯 🎉 😀 🤔 been a more 😀 uncertain 🤔 Fed meeting 😀 👍 on 🤔 record. Regardless 🔥 of 👍 🤔 🌈 🎉 what the Fed 🌈 does 🎉 tomorrow, 🌈 🔥 😂 🤔 half 😂 of the 🌈 😂 💯 market will be 💯 👍 🎉 🌈 disappointed. Buckle 🔥 up. The recent easing of 👍 financial conditions 👍 🌈 since 💯 July 💯 🎉 has rendered the 💯 🔥 25-50 🎉 basis 🎉 points cut inconsequential. 🤔 It is 🤔 unsurprising that 🌈 Q3 😀 🤔 GDP 🔥 😂 is 🎉 maintaining a level of 🌈 👍 🤔 approximately 😀 3%. There is a 🔥 💯 🌈 possibility 🔥 of 😂 inflation 🔥 surprising 😀 🤔 🎉 🌈 many 🌈 🤔 💯 👍 in 🎉 the 👍 coming year. 🔥 👍 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GXuO6JvakAYV_mv.jpg 🌈 👍 
 Whatcha 😀 coming 💯 😂 for and 💯 when? 💯 
 Reply-Guy virou uma praga mesmo. Como se não bastasse 🌈 responder todas as notas principais, 🌈 agora ficam 🌈 respondendo cada resposta. 😀 
 Alexandre de Moraes escolheu 😀 jogar sua biografia e sua história no lixo. Alexandre 😀 de Moraes 😀 escolheu se tornar um ditador opressor, 🎉 censurador, assassino e ladrão. 💯 Então escolha você ser livre. Escolha rejeitar a tirania. Escolha a liberdade e a justiça. 😂 
 I should have. relay.primal.net 
 I have temporarily removed it because the spam  has become unberable atm. 😞😔