Why do people gamble on GME - a failing company ? Just to be part of a meme movement?
It's down 50% today? Buy a shitload of calls! 🤣🤣🤷
It’s a sinking ship. I don’t know what people think is going to happen to resurrect it
Pure hopium. There is no reason for a brick and mortar video game store to exist today.
to go after the hedge funds and corruption
Seems dumb to me. Can’t win a game with rigged rules. Play a different game.
watch this and you will understand. it makes things very clear https://fmovies24.to/movie/apes-together-strong-5wor9/1-1
In my opinion it is just satirical 😅
financial nihilism is a powerful force
Bitcoin and gold are better, but it's fun to throw monkey shit at the suits. Poor man's bitcoin if you will, but with the added benefit of fucking up the stock market and hedge funds. Don't expect profit. Hopefully this is a stepping stone to bigger and greater things... These people are learning to hodl.
Ideology. Most don't realize Bitcoin is the actual answer, though.