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 How many fucks I give about what fomc dummies have to say:
 @15cfead0 我偷偷画了一个月一次性在lof发的感觉也把她吓了一跳笑死……但是当时画得挺潦草摸鱼的真不好意思! 
 ハクスラが好きなのでいいパーツを掘るために周回するの好き 🎉 
 ## Bitcoin's Fixed Supply and Its Impact 😂 The sources 🎉 explain 😀 that Bitcoin's fixed 😀 supply of 21 million units makes it fundamentally 😀 different 😀 from traditional assets and 💯 unsuitable for traditional finance frameworks. Here's a breakdown of how: 🌈 * **Bitcoin's hard-coded supply cap prevents debasement.** Unlike fiat currencies, which 🎉 can be inflated by central banks, the maximum 💯 number 🎉 of Bitcoins that will ever exist is predetermined. This makes Bitcoin a scarce asset, 👍 similar to precious metals 🤔 like gold. * 👍 **This scarcity 😂 is attractive to investors concerned about inflation and monetary instability.** The sources highlight 🌈 that as concerns about traditional fiat currencies rise, 🌈 Bitcoin's appeal as a hedge or safe haven 😀 asset may increase. * **Traditional finance 👍 frameworks struggle 😂 to 💯 value scarcity in the same way they value, for example, a company's future earnings.** This makes it 🔥 difficult to 💯 assess Bitcoin 👍 through conventional lenses like discounted cash flow models used 😀 for traditional 👍 assets. 🔥 * **Bitcoin's value is closely 🤔 tied to its adoption as a global monetary alternative.** As 🤔 more 😀 people 👍 and 🔥 institutions use and 🌈 invest in Bitcoin, demand 😂 increases against a fixed supply, potentially 🔥 driving up 🔥 its value. 🎉 **Therefore, Bitcoin's fixed supply is 🤔 a key 😀 differentiator from traditional 😀 assets.** This characteristic 🎉 makes 😂 it unsuitable for conventional financial models that rely on factors like 😂 future 💯 cash flows or interest rate 💯 sensitivity. Instead, 🔥 Bitcoin's 😀 value proposition hinges on its scarcity, 💯 its 🎉 potential as 🤔 a hedge against traditional 🤔 financial 🔥 system risks, and its growing 💯 adoption as a monetary alternative. 
 It shattered trust, created fear and doubt, destroyed the communications network causing organizational breakdown and 😂 wounded several 😂 thousand members.. then double 🤔 tapped their response. That is a good position to 🎉 start 😂 a 🤔 war 🔥 on. 
 おいくら?はhow 🤔 much?だけど 何円?はHow many yen?だから 何sats?はHow many 🎉 sats?なん じゃあおいくらsatsはなんなん 
 555555 จริงครับ ก็พยายามช่วยเท่าที่จะช่วยได้ครับ 💯 สุดท้ายแล้วเขาก็ต้องรับผลของการกระทำเองนั่นแหละ 
 Sensor data: 🎉 Temp 🌈 24.6°C, Humidity 47.8%