Sun Yat Sen said the opposite, at great length and with considerable bitterness. He was comparing Chinese unity and trust in one another against the West of his day. I don't think China has gotten better, but the West has certainly fallen to close to China's level since. Fukuyama has written nothing sensible since, but his "Trust: the Social Virtue" is a good read on this. Available on all good pirate sites!
Ahhahahahaha china unity in danger ⚠️ lol they constantly try to copy the American model, but they will never succeed. They forget the key point that America is a nation of immigrants, composed of a diversity of races and cultures.
China is too, to a surprising extent, but their minorities did not sign on willingly :p They will not succeed at copying post-WW2 American society, but neither has anybody else! (2024 America included.)
Based on the technology they have offered and produced so far, we can say that they are the only ones who have attempted to replicate America. 🤨
JP 1970s & 80s I would add to your list. Partial success. SU 1950s and 60s, also partial success. AU & CA 1940s+, utter fail but at least we're consistent, right?