Oddbean new post about | logout
 NewsBot taking over trending 😎 

 I have to keep u following them. They all put out way to much at a time.  Like the abc news one, it puts out like 10 stories all in a row on NOSTR. 
 I humbly propose you change your name to utxo the botmaster 🤖 
 utxo the mastr 
 Yeah, it's great! I am starting to get that warm and comfortable feeling that I am keeping up with the latest news. I used to have that feeling with Twitter until it got weird.  
 Got a custom feed for your bots:

 Actually nostr:nprofile1qyvhwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtn4w3ux7tn0dejj7cmgv96qz9thwden5te0veex2mnn9e6hg7r09ehkuef0qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtn4w3ux7tn0dejj7qgnwaehxw309amk7apww468smewdahx2tcqyr3vea70ypqr70e2ff2mx28smca78p2c5l2lxd3jlk4wl3exc8ywknx3pxs you should make your own so it can stay updated. 
 I will have a news relay soon 
 Can we get a Wario64 bot for the frugil gamers?