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 Crime was way worse under Trump. Not that Biden is defaulting on the national debt, But yeah. People were fucking assholes in the Trump era. 
 I don't know what is happening in the US, the meme is for what is happening in Europe. 
 Ah. Europe is fucked. Western Europe just accepts gay people so they can seem tolerant and evolved, And there is no way to get out of Eastern Europe without being criminal enough to kill a motherfucker. Western Europe is just as bad, But has the political priority because rich people still like to go there on vacation. Otherwise it never recovered from the war. You can’t stop criminals and still make money off the international drug trade to fund the government or the church. The only thing that makes it “woke” are confused gay people who wonder why they can’t make enough money to marry a hot wife when the mafia controls the whole continent. In Russia they will just kill your ass, In the west you have to hire somebody to do it for you.