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 Auditing Britain always does a great job of handling the police.

 Photography = suspicion of terrorism and arrest. 
 Most cops don't even know the law they are supposed to be enforcing, similar to how most of us don't know the laws we're supposed to be protected under. 
 Wtf is happening in the Uk. Dudes like this are stellar. He may actually force incremental improvements. Imagine plain clothes stazi following you for filming outdoors. This is nuts. At least they apologized. If I was a defense lawyer there I’d keep that apology is Goto exhibit A for all time. 
 This kind of policing has been going on for a while. Imagine how its going to look when you give these types power to enforce arbitrary laws like 'hate speech'. AB is on YouTube, he does pretty much exclusively this kind of content. The apology was probably something he required when he took them to court over this 😂 
 Fighting the good fight he is. 
 What a bunch of fucking little cunts 
 The police are like a mafia