@Spag🍝 the school demands 15 dollars to get them back
highly unfortunate
i guess in this scenario i was lucky my phone is lost and i have no idea where it is
@roxymaxxing gal @Spag🍝 how the fuck is it legal for your school to take your property and charge you money to give it back
@9f9c30ab @Spag🍝 i guess they're broke
@roxymaxxing gal @Spag🍝 kill rich people and give some of the money to the school so they stop being broke :D
@9f9c30ab @Spag🍝 if im killing rich people and taking the money the money is going only to me
@roxymaxxing gal @Spag🍝 are you telling me you wouldnt groom me with discord nitro??? :( wtf is the point of being 12 forever if im not even going to get groomed
@9f9c30ab @Spag🍝 unless youre putting out every night youre not getting anything
@roxymaxxing gal @Spag🍝 rob and kill some rich mofos so you can get me a better phone for me to send you nudes on then