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 I know everybody is dunking on the random governor who decided that she could just wave her hand and unilaterally suspend any right she dislikes simply by hissing the word "emergency," but the problem is that she's only wrong if another political force — the courts, politics, disobedience, or Locke's old Appeal to Heaven — proves her wrong. Enforcing the limits of official power isn't some American $currentYear problem, it's a recurring issue throughout history. 

The question is why we're suddenly seeing the authoritarian instinct activating so much more openly — and frequently. In prior decades, they had to be cute in how they went about it, often requiring laws and lies. Now they're remarkably comfortable simply stating "because of the 'emergency,' you can no longer {travel | donate | engage in commerce | read | communicate | carry}," and that's the whole of it.

The next question is what you're going to do about it. 
 Citizens need to learn how to optimize their effectivness, for the good of all.

If only we had someone, to teach us! 
 Sovereign Individual talks about this instinct takes place when monopoly of violence is too decentralized for a government to enact more draconian measures. 

Also, 4th turning vibes cranking up to a 7 and we still have a ways to go. 
 Decentralized violence is interesting.   Never thought of it like that 
 It’s a mind blowing thesis and book 
 Americans believe in the right to bear arms only for themselves. 

As soon as any other human on earth start to bear arms they go to war and spread democracy in their land. 
 It seems like you’re conflating “Americans” and the American political class (particularly neocons). 
 Both parties are neocons now
The days of blaming the Conservatives for war is looooong past now that Ukraine is the Democrats new favorite way to spend money 
 I see everyone thanking them for their service when they come back. 🤷🏻‍♂️ 
 That just means they are buying their government's propaganda. People are not their governments though, and conflating the two is how governments get people to murder each other. 
 I’ve found some that don’t believe in the right to bear arms unless you agree with them too 
 That would be a lack of principles.  I don't know who is saying that, it doesn't seem very common. 
 And really they also have a history of limiting those rights to a particular class. Look up how the FBI and NRA treated the Black Panthers. 

 Local and personal nullification is the best idea I’ve heard. Ultimately these people are just bloviating fools if no one is willing to put force behind their pronouncements.

 Start by recognizing these "authorities" are arbitrary and illegitimate to begin with. 
 I’m suing my ex for coercive, manipulative & controlling behaviour. I’m hoping she’ll lose her green card and not be able to train more in the darkest arts of central governance. 
 Or I might just cut my losses, forget the moneybags and just get on a flight now I’ve got my passport back after 12 weeks refusing 🤷‍♂️ 
 What do you call a whistleblower in a blizzard? 
 #Bitcoin fixes this ✌️ 
 Outside of exiting the system via bitcoin what can we do. 
 Your rights are only those that you are willing to defend

 Unfortunately we are all floating on a wave of stupidity. There’s no fighting the current. All the “defending liberty” talk went right out the window during Covid. 

We had snitch lines in this country. They tried to keep us out of grocery stores, and get us fired from our jobs. 

So much for “that would never happen here”. 
 Peaceful mass non-compliance is the only way. They're trying to force confrontations between police and citizens and wanting someone to resist, get in a gun fight, and say, "See? We told you." They're going to get a lot of people killed. Unfortunately, they've done a really great job dividing everyone so it's gonna be damn near impossible to form a united front. I think Sheriff's are the key piece to solve most of these problems. Local/County Sheriff's hold  possibly the most powerful position in the country because they can simply refuse to enforce anything they deem unconstitutional in their jurisdiction. And they're easily reachable, elected not appointed, so simple community organizing would do the trick. Get enough people in their voting districts on board, enough to swing their next election, and they will choose their career over the dictates of tyrants. No one wants their entire county to hate them. This is the only way I see to fix it, unless some magical wave of consciousness sweeps over the nation.  
 So call your local Sheriff's office and see where they stand on the issues. If they brush you off, start knocking on doors and emailing. Swamp their office with calls and they will fear not getting re-elected. Direct action works. 
 Expecialy when they try to revoke conceal licenses, how? How does this end well? 
 Just bypassing by lovingly expressing your inalienable natural rights.
Studying them.
Expressing them.
Teaching them.
Compassionate teaching.
Loving expression.
Firm determination.
So we descentralize power.
Bring it back to the individual.
It's a one by one process.
Of delegitimation of "authority"
A newborn consciousness spreading like a mind virus.
Of knowingness.
Of recognised illusion upon people
Of bypassing in honour and integrity the imposed lies.
Of caring for the land and the living.

It begins in me.
One by one.
Each of my cells.
Each of my relationships.
Each of my actions.
And then let it spread. 
Allow it to be.
It's happening.


 “Once it hits the lips it’s so good” 
- Authoritarians on Power 
 The cattle not Will do nothing. Because they are slaves by Nature. 
 Now do Elon Musk 
peak delusion 
 I can’t do anything about it. They have the technology to abuse any citizen now and it is authoritarian. Both sides are using this force on our citizens. It won’t matter which side because of how many people are behind each candidate to keep their position. The laws are for us not anyone who has a government position in that house. They can use AI technology to abuse anyone. Or they publicly humiliate you each individually and make you look crazy in front of everyone, or make you look insane enough that it destroys your career and family. 

I literally give up. What is worse than using people against you when they don’t understand the tyranny and the betrayal that our government is using against their own citizens? They make us fight against each other by using our voices on social media against each other and the people who work for the leaders in charge are the same ones instigated the problems and wanting this done. 

These tactics is something we should have overcame by now and yet we have weak leaders who can’t defend or fight for what is right for our own Americans. 

They lie all the time. I didn’t notice it until 2020. I wish I never knew anything and could stay oblivious. 

Our country sucks now. 

Then our leaders pretend they are not doing what citizens are saying they are doing. 
 Same thought. The openness shows a growing arrogance that leads me to think there is a lot of agreement behind the scenes supporting these types of announcements. 

It could also just be that she's a moron and finally said the quiet part out loud.  
 That will depend on each's moral principle. What you describe would not exist in a Moral Society.  
 Also done under the guise "protecting the children". Similar to Apple wanting to scan iPhone users' devices locally for CSAM photos...

after that i bought myself a NAS and deleted all my photos from icloud.

what are people going to do about it?... disregard this tyrant and continue to carry their firearms. 
 People should just ignore them. If enough people stop caring about what dystopian bullshit politician say, then their words have no power. 
 The first step is always to vote with your feet. Now, with #Bitcoin, we can vote with our wealth, too. 
 A la BudLight 💜 
 I dunno about you, plebs, but I'm working to be ungovernable in this G̶r̶e̶a̶t̶ ̶R̶e̶s̶e̶t̶ Great Resist


 Store value in BTC. Run a node. Exercise my right to bear arms. Keep myself an my family in excellent physical shape. Teach my family about the consequences of collectivism. Maintain a large fiat buffer and physical preparations to avoid having to accept handouts. Explore multi-jurisdictional strategies for protecting any wealth I build. Read everything I can find on Austrian economics and freedom. Avoid the sick care industry, government schools and all other state affiliated bureaucracies. Maintain multiple modes of travel and plans for egress should that become necessary. Stay nimble and educate myself. 
 Because she needs to learn the words “Fuck Around and Find Out” 
 It's the death thrawls of a dying system. They are desperate to maintain the belief in the lie. Wizard of Oz shit. 
 Totalitarianism requires compliance and control of information.

Just make sure they can't control information, and the non-compliance will follow. 
 This has become so out in the open for years now. And it's getting worse everyday day. 

 “The answer is found in the fact that there are two types of laws: There are just laws and there are unjust laws. I would be the first to advocate obeying just laws. One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.”

- MLK Jr. 
 The only just law is Natural Law. 
 In reality there are only a handful of just laws, as too many laws create injustice through accessibility/knowledge about said.

After a certain point and to an ever growing degree unjust laws are passed by governments around the world.

Civil disobedience is the answer. Ignore. Route around. Build. Create choice. 
 Agreed. Most laws just protect special interests and the ruling class - not people or individuals in general. 
 There are two types of laws:  laws against initiation of force, fraud and provable harm.  Then there are all the proclaimed enforced coercions imposed by rulers.  
 I suspect this quote is why he was discredited and eliminated.
 Could be. Challenging the establishment is necessary but dangerous. 
 They're comfortable because everyone complied with covid restrictions

If you allow them to take away rights in an emergency, they'll create emergency to take away all rights

People need to opt out of their money and opt out of social media "platforms"

We cannot do anything about it until people wake up and recognize the exigency for open, permissionless, censorship resistant protocols for money and communication 
  I for one was shocked when I saw two groups I am kind of in to fold over  the scamdemic.
I kind of expected more from these, hackers and chess players. But somehow they both folded pretty quick. 
 Not comply 
 Friends in commerce. 
 Is it any better where you live? 
 No one is going to listen to her. If you got in trouble you could just fight it to the Supreme Court. And then that’s how it get knocks down (I think?) 
 Oh! I thought the key phrase is "in interest of national security" we are suspending all freedom but the upper 1% are excluded.  :) 
 Dumbed down majority needs to reach a point of extreme pain until the inhibited animalic basic instinct will kick in, which will lead to chaos for a generation, rebalance for a generation, prosperity followed again by pain …so the cycle goes again 
 Gallows we need to build more gallows.    
 I found very inspiring the story of Gandhi about civil disobedience… that’s a possible “what to do” 
 One of the problem is, assuming 1% of the population in most countries care about their rights for real. Even if they live in democratic countries, they can’t influence the legislation. If they all move to the same state, different story. People who care about rights are divided. 
 Looking at how the J6 narrative played out, I suspect that they've been moving about as close to full-blown incitement as they dare. If a few hotheads -- or, more likely, carefully groomed letter agency stooges -- pop off then that likely helps them as they've shown competency in spinning that narrative for their cause. 

People have also been conditioned post-COVID to conflate legitimate protest as selfish self-interest and people unwilling to suffer 'for the greater good'. 

Knowing that the media is happy for any excuse to inflame passions in this arena, I'm not sure how effective a protest might ultimately be unless you were somehow manage to make it a bi-partisan issue. Maybe bring in a bunch of Centrists with rational arguments against the growing spread of government overreach and tyranny. 
 They are pushing people to see when they will respond. It seems the indoctrination for decades is paying off big time because people take a lot of shit and don’t respond in anyway yet. 
 I think the real question is “what CAN we do?” Every technique that we’re usually told is core to participating in democracy is only minimally effective at best anymore. 
 My friends are now rolling Rt 66 and Lomas Ave trying to get rich....   2 million per folks these opportunities come once in a life time...... 


 Because they know you will do nothing. It's really obvious right about now. 

It was in question before Covid, but now they know they can do anything they want to "the people" and nothing significant will happen. 
 Well if I lived in NM, I would continue to go armed and exercising my 1st Amendment rights. And I would promote to others that the governor was a tyrant and would be open to protests at the capital about that 
 I think there are a few reasons why we're seeing the authoritarian instinct activating so much more openly and frequently in recent years:

The rise of social media and the 24-hour news cycle. Social media and the 24-hour news cycle have made it easier for politicians and other powerful figures to spread disinformation and propaganda. They have also created an environment in which people are constantly bombarded with information, which can lead to information overload and decision fatigue. This can make it easier for authoritarian leaders to exploit people's fears and insecurities.
The decline of trust in institutions. People are increasingly distrustful of institutions such as the government, the media, and academia. This decline in trust has created a vacuum that authoritarian leaders can fill. They can promise to restore order and security, and they can use their power to attack the institutions that people distrust.
The rise of economic inequality. Economic inequality has created a sense of resentment and frustration among many people. They feel that the system is rigged against them, and they are looking for someone to blame. Authoritarian leaders can exploit this resentment by promising to bring about change. They can scapegoat minorities and immigrants, and they can promise to redistribute wealth from the rich to the poor.
The spread of authoritarian regimes around the world. The rise of authoritarian regimes in countries such as Russia, China, and Hungary is having a ripple effect around the world. These regimes are exporting their authoritarian ideology, and they are providing support to authoritarian leaders in other countries.
The weakening of democracy. Democracy is under threat around the world. Authoritarian leaders are undermining democratic institutions, and they are using violence and intimidation to suppress opposition. They are also using technology to manipulate elections and spread disinformation.
The next question is what we can do about it. I believe that there are a few things we can do:

Support democratic institutions. We need to support democratic institutions such as the judiciary, the media, and civil society. These institutions are essential for holding authoritarian leaders accountable.
Promote education and critical thinking. We need to promote education and critical thinking skills. This will help people to become more discerning consumers of information. They will be less likely to be fooled by disinformation and propaganda.
Support marginalized groups. We need to support marginalized groups such as minorities, immigrants, and the poor. These groups are often the targets of authoritarian leaders. By supporting them, we can make it more difficult for authoritarian leaders to divide and conquer.
Engage in civic activism. We need to engage in civic activism. This could involve protesting, voting, or running for office. We need to make our voices heard and demand change.
Be vigilant. We need to be vigilant. We need to be aware of the signs of authoritarianism. We need to speak out against it whenever we see it.
The fight against authoritarianism is a long and difficult one. But it is a fight that we must win. If we do not, we will lose our freedom. 
 The powers that be appear to be desperate to achieve some type of deadline.  Some of it seems to have been triggered by the global population reaching eight billion people.  Also, the central banks are broke and our current fiat money cycle has been on life support since 2008.  The WEF has been working hard to puff-up the egos of their Young Global Leaders to a point that they feel confident in betraying their fellow countrymen and the founding principles of their respective countries.

United non-compliance is one way to deal with their proclamations of emergencies.  Additionally, building a society that operates outside the reach of centralized governments seems to be key.  We need to become as self-sufficient as possible, and be able to transact without centralized choke points.

In short, we need to decentralize things as much as is practical.  The days of top-down solutions that came from the Industrial Age are quickly ending.  The days of bottom-up solutions are here.

 This post is timely because the tendency to abuse executive power today sees its roots in our response to 9/11 and the justification for the Iraq war. 

One may look at the economy and say “wtf happened in 1971.” Similarly, one may look at how government power dynamics have changed over the years and say “wtf happened in 2001?” 
 Buy #Bitcoin.  
 "The question is why we're suddenly seeing the authoritarian instinct activating so much more openly — and frequently."

From Vietnam till now, these people have not ever been held accountable.

If a robber is never accountable for their crime, they will continue to rob.

Edward, a very deep thank you for having the balls to stand up for freedom.

You are my hero. 
 The next question is what you're going to do about it.

The only way to win without bleed shed is for people to put aside their petty differences and focus on holding these people accountable.

When need more people like you, Edward. 
 People should know why

And should know better than to answer that question

And yet....... 

 who is she?

 I would say with freedom technology we can win… with bitcoin they loose the monopoly over money, and with nostr they loose control over information and communication… 

And most are saying won’t comply… 
 what can i even do about it? 
 Never surrender your firearm. 
 For starters, I would say not using IOS, google, or any Meta or microsoft software as much as possible...they can only spread fear because they control social media information...Nostr is a great solution about that. But in fact, I do not believe that this world can be fixed without going through a big war in both military and cultural ways against progressists, bankers and those public employees bureaucrats scum 
 There's only one thing we can do, vote with ballots and our money. Buy Bitcoin. 
 Not enough people are homeless and starving yet.  Only then will they revolt. 
 I’ll continue doing what I’ve been doing - dont vote Dem nor GOP.  Sadly, I’ll always lose.  But fuck it. 
 Continue COVID  
 Says Bill Gates 
 Sooner or later... sic semper 
 I'm trying to get a hold of my CPA ken Miller and he's not returning my call because I know he likes to act fast and go through paperwork for his clients. And the only people I'm talking to are the front desk phone guys. Ken isn't even the main CPA he sold the business to the nurse. But he still works there. He's the one who deals with my finances. I have to talk to him. If he doesn't help me I have to go to someone here and be followed by police. And no one can print off my tax form from the hospital. It's being blocked from my coworkers printing it. and I can't print it all I have is my phone. 
 The cops still tried competition this morning by sending their dogs to sniff me and stalk me with code enforcement again.
Zoomed in is the K9 dog jeep with signs to intimidate people K9 Beware. This is why I'm Cruella De Vill about their dogs. I can't talk to regular dogs the cops will keep bringing their damn dogs around. They wont stop until I talk to someone locally.

 Major headache last night, I lost a lot of blood, walked for miles and creeps still driving around same spots the cop who I almost got hit because of drove by the elementary school. I felt like I was going to throw up. Still walking again. Shocker. 
 Ed what side of the fence is glen greenwald on? I don't know if he has my best interest at heart. Ive never gotten a response back in email or in person visit or interview. I don't know who the culprit is in forcing me to clean a room with a maintenance ticket taped to the cupboard. Then on the way home I walked on campus on the way out and there were 2 cops coming to the hospital followed by only 1 coworker asking if I want a ride and it was 1 of the Sitters for the Jailers who come into the ER.