Oddbean new post about | logout
 from rule of code to simpdom 
 Who for? 
 Us, probably. Cypherpunks were badass. Bitcoiners now just want more fiat. 
 Probably Saylor 
 Strange for him to talk about Simpdom…just sayin’ 😉 
 Born into a fiat world, we are prone to  fall quickly from our path and goals. We keep believing comprises can work.  
 Money corrupts. 
 Monero does not simp anyone. 
 Except Monero itself

We need a "hatercoin" that is only for haters 
 a coin which hates itself? sounds fun 😉   
 Would give all the haters a psychological on ramp to cryptocurrency too 
 turns out cults of personality were lindy 🫠  
  @HODL relax and take note 🎶  
 What am I taking note of exactly? 
 Holy shit, for a minute on this thread, I seriously thought I was on bluesky.  
 He who casts stones... 
 The price of popularity  
 fair point 
 Naturally... If it involves humans... The codependency wound is a toughy to unwind. 🫂 
 Simplicity = Sophistication

After all, atoms are 99.9999999% empty space.
 psycho 📚 