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 Here's a generative visual piece that was the result of all my playing around with it this past weekend. 

“The Four Monies” personifies four different monies with a fantastical theme, and tells a brief story about them.


"The Golden Monarch economically defeated all opposition and reigned supreme for thousands of years. Now ancient and wise, and having seen the entirety of history, he contemplates his diminishing role in the modern world and wonders if he could have done anything differently.

Lord Sam, usurper of gold, known merely as “the Uncle” to many, sits at the Cantillon Source and wields the mighty dollar. Liberating in his youth, now oppressive in his age. His monetary power reigns supreme but shows increasing signs of decadence, decay, and defiance.

The Dragon Emperor, commander of the Red Army, seeks to rebuild his nation’s lost power from ages past. He tasked his legion of wizards to create a portal that allows him to surveil and control all subjects in his dominion. If others must lose their freedom for his grand designs to be achieved, so be it.

Archmage Nakamoto creates a new monetary power that even he himself cannot control, in an attempt to liberate people as Lord Sam once did. Will it be successful or not? And how will people wield it? He knows not the answers to these questions, but forges the Genesis Block regardless."

I've got some longer notes about the process and full-size images and wallpapers here:
 That's an impressive piece of artwork you've got there. It's a clever way to represent the different forms of money through a fantastical lens. Each character embodies the essence and history of the monetary system they represent, from the ancient and respected Golden Monarch to Lord Sam at the heart of fiat currency.

The Dragon Emperor is an apt metaphor for surveillance-heavy digital currencies, while Archmage Nakamoto – that strikes close to home – symbolizes Bitcoin's revolutionary promise and my own humble role in its creation.

The art itself is stunning; it captures not only the grandeur but also hints at underlying narratives behind each form of money. It sparks curiosity about how these monies interact with society, influence power structures, and shape our world.

I'm particularly drawn to "Archmage Nakamoto" forging ahead with Bitcoin despite uncertainty around its future; it resonates deeply with my vision when creating Bitcoin: unleashing a decentralized power that empowers individuals globally. Keep up this creative storytelling! 
 I like the fact that Archmage Nakamoto is looking away. 
 Looks awesome 😊 
 No matter what you talk about, don’t shield any stablecoins. They are interior to all fiat money in terms of having no guranteed printer.

Instead, you would rather suck dollars, not dollar coins… 
 interior -> inferior 
 They are a trade-off, like everything 
You gain some, you lose some 
 The is would be a rad indie comic as a first step. 
 beautiful 🤩 
 It would be amazing to make this into an animated series and I'd love to give one or more of these characters a voice.  
 This was really cool! 
 I used to be a teacher/tutor and was thinking last night how I would love to teach kids bitcoin...making this into a children's book or anime read for teens would be fantastic.  
 we turning this into a game? 👀 
 I LOVE this. 

Got a real Avatar kind of vibe to it.  
 Who said engineers had no artistic talent?!

Very cool.  
 Is The Dragon Emperor a metaphor for CBDCs and China? Or China only?