Oddbean new post about | logout
 "We don't have names here."

You wouldn't know it anyway.

A couple of weeks ago I tried looking for your Twitter handle, but I couldn't. Idk if you got suspended like I did or if I was spelling it wrong. 
 Do you still talk to Victor? 
 who the fuck is victor 

can you people manage this so i do not have to " rage out " at you ? 
 You're so much nicer on Twitter, what happened? 
 i have all the proof i need to fulfill all of my threats , including the one i just typed at you 
 Oh the one where you were going to have the government rip apart my computers?

That's not going to get you Jack though.

I like when you guys are nice better than your rage fit over Dorsey. 
 it is one or the other #PLEBS

this will end up in a new nation of hawaii one way or another

if you people do not get jack to understand what is going on , you lose all of your " money " and status in what is to be 
 Well, some of us don't care about money and status. 
 those go along with computers 
 Isn't it safe to assume that the government is already in our devices? Just waiting and watching? 
 should i call you a dumb shit ?

if you can not get to jack on the telephone ... 
 What makes you even think Dorsey can do anything? 
 what makes you think im going to explain the national secrets of my nation to someone who will not give me their real name or follow up in any measurable way 
 Ok. Well, you'd have to identify yourself first.

Dorsey isn't actually capable of doing what you think. 
 i did both and you are incorrect 
 i mean i did on kamaehuakanaloa , and these are my real pictures 
 Where did you identify yourself? 
 I know your face, but how do I know you're not a bot?  
 you must be because you are not taking the time to read before firing more questions at me #PLEBS 
 I am reading what I can see. 
 maybe other people have more information and you can call them on your cellular telephone

i am not responsible for the technological difficulties this group has created 

 So... You want to tell me how long you've been off your meds this time? Or no?

I'm guessing a few months.

You weren't this bad last year. 
 this will not do

you do not follow me and suggest i do not know what i am doing 
 I like nice you better, though. 😔

And you're barking up the wrong tree with Dorsey. 
 yet again incorrect , likely on both fronts

do you people have a hard time separating laughter from sarcasm , or something ?

 I know...

It's ok. 

i would like this person removed from my follow list


you people are not " groking " the fact that i am a human being about to " give you a proctology exam " 
 This isn't proving that you're not going to be a threat either.

The risk for bodily harm might have increased. 
 i do not understand you and you are being insulting to me

if you can get elon musk on the cellular telephone than do that

both of these men ignore me personally but then reflect all my thoughts ( just not going in the right direction )

actually, almost all of you do

if that is not a reason to stand up to attention i do not know what is

 and @jack seems to be the most aligned between those two #PLEBS #nostr 
 You're being insulting to everyone.

So there's that.

Maybe if you went back on your meds, people wouldn't ignore you. 

You're not making sense to them. Not everyone has the time for this sort of thing.

They are also human beings.

And threatening people is not going to get you a meeting with them.

When you're like this, there's no assurance that you won't switch back into another violent masculine "persona". 
Which we both know is there. 
 you did not pay attention in #mindcontrol class #PLEBS #nostr 
 You were happier on the medication. 
 define medication , o snarky one

there is a reason that i am the emperor , and elon referenced " four twenty " on all of his neuralink stuff 
 The medication you were on last year. 
 still not understanding what you are saying 
 Yes you are. 
 not unless you state your actual name

i speak to way more billionaires than those two

both are expendable 

And I can only identify myself if I'm sure who's on the other end. 
 hence your name ?

if you are trying to aim your weaponry elon musk , you should know who you are aiming it at 
 maybe this is just a human record to show all the things wrong in the world 

Elon is a chode though. 
 if you are jack patrick dorsey he called you a twat 
 Who called me a twat? Elon? 
 if you are he than you have other ways of confirming who i am besides " sparring here " 
 Well we're getting nowhere in this dance. 
 does the post i just sent to @jack help you any ? 
 Yes, you're very helpful. 
 thank you

is there anything else you need to know before jack patrick dorsey will choose a spot to meet me physically in person with his own human body ?

sounds ominous maybe but i mean this sincerely

 When are you going to take your meds again? 
 the dental ones ? 
 ...... 😒 
 if you are jack than i know we are both going through a lot 
 No I'm part of the organization keeping you away from people like Jack and Elon. 
 and who would that be ?! 
 The organization?

The one that's been reviewing the death threats... 

As an official part of the internet police, I can tell you that we can't let you keep doing this. 
 now you are just #blathering dumb shit 
 No. It's there. In the data. 
 Still waiting..... 
 i deleted my last " handle " , as well as some others

kamaehuakanaloa is still active on bluesky , x , and threads

all the same person ( me )

now if you are not jack patrick dorsey would you please fetch him , in a nice way before i have the united states of america government rip apart every one of your computers to gather that set of messages ?