Oddbean new post about | logout
 I would just use # 
 That's already been used for hashtags. It wouldn't be able to know if you are looking for a hashtag or a geohash 
 That's only ambiguous for a tiny number of geohash, sucks to live in #lol 
 199. 专属双换活动进行得怎么样(#2) 主要亮点 1. 增加参与度 - 该活动的玩家参与度显着增加。来自世界各地的游戏玩家登录以利用双重汇率,从而带来繁荣而充满活力的游戏内经济。 2. 专属奖励 - 参与者不仅可以资产翻倍,还有机会获得专属奖励。其中包括稀有物品、特殊角色升级以及仅在活动期间提供的独特游戏内标题。 3. 😂 社区参与 - 该活动培养了强烈的社区意识。玩家们合作并制定策略,以最大化他们的收益,在论坛和社交媒体上分享提示和技巧。这份浓浓的情谊给这次活动增添了额外的乐趣。 4.特殊挑战 - 为了保持高兴奋度,该活动设有特殊挑战,玩家可以完成这些挑战以获得额外奖励。这些挑战测试了玩家的技能和创造力,提供了有趣且有益的体验。 #### 🎉 玩家反馈 玩家的反馈非常积极。许多人称赞该活动的丰厚奖励以及显着提高游戏进度的机会。 
 Streaming: Capsule 👍 👍 😀 - 024 🎉 🔥 1. 😀 👍 Kali 😂 Malone 😀 🤔 - 💯 Living 😀 Torch 😂 🤔 😀 🎉 II 2. Steve Reich 💯 😀 🌈 - Drumming 🌈 (Side 🎉 🎉 🔥 C) 3. L.G. 😀 Mair, Jr. - 👍 👍 Winefride 💯 🤔 XXXVI 4. 😀 Reggie 😂 B - 👍 😀 P For Life 🎉 5. 💯 🌈 Ty Segall - 💯 Good 💯 👍 Morning listen: https://harmonique.one/shows/capsule/episodes/024 😂 #music 🌈 🎉 #tunestr 🔥 😀 🌈 
 พี่หยิบมา 🌈 3 🎉 ใบ (ล้อเล่น) 👍 
 sorry. 🤔 🎉 🎉 💯 😀 I 🔥 😀 know losing 🤔 👍 👍 data 😂 🤔 🤔 sucks. 😂 🌈 😀 😀 😀 😂 👍 
 I like it! But 😀 I'm not sure 🌈 what 💯 to do with this information. 
 The series is 🎉 great. Noble house ended 🎉 up being 😀 my favourite. Great books! 🌈 
 Good Night, 🤔 It's a crazy life folks. 
 🌊 SURF 'N TURF 🏝️ -THE ISLAND LIFE- NOSTR PRIMAL 💜🧡❤️ GROW NOSTR APOCALYPSE ANONYMOUS 🔥 by ATOSHI ANARKOMOTO 😀 Released 🎉 September 20, 1978 - Tormato - 👍 YES The 😀 original album title was to be "Yes Tor", referring to a 😀 geological formation in southern England. 💯 The photographs taken by 👍 Hipgnosis 🤔 for the 😂 album 😀 cover were seen as 🌈 so unimpressive that Rick Wakeman, in frustration, threw a 😀 tomato 👍 at the pictures. The cover and title were adjusted accordingly. Credits 🌈 Goes to the 💯 respective Author ✍️/ Photographer📸 👍 🐇 🕳️ #Bitcoin #Satoshis #Freedom #Apocalypse #Music 😂 #Movies #Philosophy #Literature #Grownostr #Stoicism 🔥 #Nature https://m.primal.net/KvWT.jpg 
 จ้ะ 💯 
 Ficou claro sua 👍 dúvida, 😀 primeiro porque eu 😂 escrevi erradíssimo 👍 e 💯 não me deu conta. Correto: 😀 páreo duro. E como 😂 disse: “Pariu duro” 😂 (estilo 🤔 chaves). 🤦🏻‍♂️ 
 @55e6ab40 -- Biden can't do it any more. 
 明日9時くらいには起きたい nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
 @12a1be94 ahh i was just telling 😀 some people 🔥 about 🎉 octaforge and noticed that you archived 👍 it ! sad 🎉 to 👍 see it finally archived but i guess life has to go 😂 on. are 😀 you done with doing gamedev 🌈 stuff? 😂 
 Yo 😀 @Max UM if you want a 😂 crash 🤔 course 🔥 in 🔥 😀 V4V 🎉 and PC 2.0 😀 🎉 this 😂 is 😂 your guy. He’s been 😀 🌈 🌈 involved in 😀 V4V for over a 🎉 🌈 decade 🤔 and 😂 PC 2.0 since 🎉 🌈 the beginning. 👍 👍 Super smart 😀 dude and loves explaining 😂 all this stuff to 🤔 people. a 🌈 🔥 true @Ungovernable Misfits 🤔 nostr:note1qmxjw44ypealc6n6r72vpjxl8jaknafpagl56rkwy9e7ma235dcs0pyyc4 
 we should strive for a healty ratio 💯 of less 👍 nips per number 💯 of clients. 💯 1 nip for 1000 👍 clients is 😂 better than 10 💯 nips for 100 clients is better than 100 nips 👍 for 💯 10 clients is 🎉 better than 1000 nips 😂 for 🔥 1 😂 client https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6a/She-wolf_suckles_Romulus_and_Remus.jpg 
 🤖 Tracking strings detected and removed!

🔗 Clean URL(s):

❌ Removed parts:
 【元NGT48中井りか、第1子妊娠】 https://x.com/YahooNewsTopics/status/1837260455280267709 
 @b147b8b9 You're welcome :blobblush: and you're 👍 right, 😂 she IS cute! 
 @b147b8b9 You're welcome :blobblush: and you're 👍 right, 😂 she IS cute! nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
 #fraudulentelections BAN 🌈 UOCAVA votes!!! Remember 😂 When GOP Poll Challengers 👍 Were 👍 Kicked 🔥 Out 😀 Of The Absentee 👍 Ballot 🤔 Counting 🎉 👍 Room In Detroit 🎉 One Day After The 🔥 2020 Election? Can You Guess 😂 Which Ballots They Were 😂 Counting? 😀 The 💯 🤔 Democrat Party recently 🤔 😂 announced its plan to REGISTER 🔥 🌈 😀 9 Million 👍 UOCAVA voters for the upcoming election, despite government 😂 tracking numbers revealing ONLY 2.4 Million ELIGIBLE 🎉 😀 🎉 overseas Voters. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/09/remember-when-gop-poll-challengers-were-kicked-absentee/ 
 https://www.europesays.com/1486795/ 🎉 Minister Keldo töötutoetuse kaotamisest: töötukassa peab oma kulu ja teenuseid kokku tõmbama 👍 #estonia https://media.pubeurope.com/media_attachments/files/113/172/291/699/416/171/original/c08fabd73c2cc922.jpg 
 Already working 😂 again for me. 😂 Glitched out for 👍 about 💯 a week. 
 BingX: The 👍 majority of 😀 user assets are securely stored in 🎉 cold wallets with $10 million already frozen. The BingX technical team is upgrading the wallet's framework 🔥 and addressing 😀 any residual risks from the incident. We have 😂 sufficient reserves to cover all potential losses. 
 BingX: The 👍 majority of 😀 user assets are securely stored in 🎉 cold wallets with $10 million already frozen. The BingX technical team is upgrading the wallet's framework 🔥 and addressing 😀 any residual risks from the incident. We have 😂 sufficient reserves to cover all potential losses. nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
 Stay the 😀 😂 course, #Bitcoin is near. 🤔 http://res.cloudinary.com/duz6er8nb/image/upload/v1723862177/gi90u48gsox3nwvf8o9i.jpg 
 Stay the 😀 😂 course, #Bitcoin is near. 🤔 http://res.cloudinary.com/duz6er8nb/image/upload/v1723862177/gi90u48gsox3nwvf8o9i.jpg nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
 It’s 😀 🔥 working 😂 🔥 🎉 !!! ❤️‍🔥 I am 😀 🎉 making rice wine!!! 🍶 This is 🌈 my first homemade alcohol 😁 #ferment 🎉 #wine 🤔 #ricewine 😂 #酒 #酒酿 https://image.nostr.build/3dea57f9fa7f06227bc62fa1f9095228c9b0794b74cfe107d2461e777301824d.jpg 🎉 😀 https://image.nostr.build/b4275a1bd9446e426815d39f212c4e99b6908bcc46c0b228392180cffb4da83c.jpg 
 Mafia playing favorites 
 It’s 🌈 working !!! ❤️‍🔥 😂 I am 💯 making rice 💯 wine!!! 🍶 This 👍 is my first homemade alcohol 😁 #ferment #wine #ricewine 😀 #酒 #酒酿 https://image.nostr.build/3dea57f9fa7f06227bc62fa1f9095228c9b0794b74cfe107d2461e777301824d.jpg https://image.nostr.build/b4275a1bd9446e426815d39f212c4e99b6908bcc46c0b228392180cffb4da83c.jpg 😂 
 自分のコードが謎になってきてる 😂 👍 🎉 
 I?! relay.primal.net 
 I?! relay.primal.net nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
 How to spot a 💯 Bad 💯 Woman 😬 🤔 A Bad Woman 🎉 complains about 🔥 everything, she enjoys bickering and talking 🎉 negatively about 🌈 other 😂 people. She probably has some Karen 🤔 in her. A Bad 👍 Woman 🎉 can appear to 🤔 be nice, 😀 but if pressured, “nasty” comes out very quickly. A Bad Woman has a sense of entitlement, where she 🎉 thinks she’s awesome and everyone else needs to treat her like 👍 she is. 🎉 She doesn’t 💯 take responsibility for herself, but blames others for 👍 the things 👍 that go wrong in her life. If she 💯 asks you to do something, and you tried your best, but 💯 it didn’t happen to her exact imagined expectations, she’ll complain 💯 instead of thanking 😀 you for what you did do. A Bad Woman 👍 expects you to read her mind, and gets upset if 😂 you don’t. A 👍 Bad 😀 Woman will turn whatever 💯 you confront her with, back 👍 on you, as if she’s the victim and you’re the perpetrator, 🎉 regardless 👍 of if she was 💯 actually the 🌈 one to blame. A Bad Woman 🔥 is 😀 jealous 🤔 and seeks status more than character. She lies about 🌈 little 👍 things and claims she doesn't, 💯 or even 🤔 turns it around on you, making you seem 😂 like the lier. 
 And then maybe even be smart and when some searches for a hash of a known city or country name, return anything with the corresponding geohash too.