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jack | 1 years ago (raw) | export | reply | flag +108
 I hope someday reposts and zaps completely replace the need for “likes”/🤙🏼.

Reposts and zaps are true value exchange…and have a real cost: your reputation or money.

Likes are superficial and exist only to inform an algorithm.

Relevance algorithms have their place, but they are best informed by a truly costly action. 
 Zapped & reposted 
 I think that a repost without a comment often is only low effort content, not different from a like. It weights on reputation only for high profile accounts.
Zaps and comments are the real PoW, so have value. 
 I've unfollowed people who repost too much, it's like they add their timeline to mine. Spam. People who put in valuable posts, but then comes a wave of other stuff. It gets annoying quickly, no matter how good the stuff is.🧐
Mention is way more interesting, the reposter has to put in more effort than just a click. 

I don't think zaps are going to replace likes, unless you're also going to filter zaps by your web of trust. Otherwise it's easy to boost your content with fake zaps. 
 Zaps are useful between the sender and receiver, but not that much as information for others. 
 I agree, zap dynamic does not exist outside of social media dynamics, parasocial dynamics, and often signal nothing of value outside of the two parties even.  
 Nah likes are fine, they are also polite acknowledgements of stuff you ...well like, but don't need reposting or zapping, or sometimes even inspire a reply. Replies probably more valuable than all of these options imo. 
 I disagree 
 Like/Reaction is only for "I saw your post and here's my reaction" or "I like your post".

Replacing reactions completely by zaps sounded like you are trying to make nostr bitcoiner exclusive. 
 Shared this then. 

Still agree with it now. 

Zaps only ⚡️ 
 i liked this. 
 Aged well 🍷 
 @jake 👀👀🤙 
 The guy is light years ahead of everyone 

Love to see it & couldn’t agree more 
 I'm sure that for some like myself likes get my dopamine flowing a little, though agree that zaps are more exciting.

Functionally, likes could also add value if you could sort a searchable nostr database by them, or incorportate into seach algo.

But I do think it would be interesting to see how a zaps and reposts only network would grow differently from one with likes. 
 I don't need to see the same thing reposted 100 times on my feed though 
 So long as I can send my 🤙 along with my zaps, I'll be happy.

 Zaps are the zero emotion way of exchanging value for a post. Removing the react would turn nostr gray and dull. Not all value can be represented by sats.

For the user who wishes to conserve their sats and still send their regards, reacts are tool for them. Just like an interaction in person, you don't give someone a dollar for making you smile. The reaction is by itself the reward. 

 Yes! 🤩 
 What about a zap button that expresses something similar to a “dislike” button? The user experience on platforms like YouTube suffer without them imo 
 looking at it from a human perspective I'd say a repost is something you yourself would say or vehemently agree with, while a like is something you just like. 🥰  
 Yeah Im not reposting this but I do agree lol 
 Yes. I guess. I'm not really onboard with this, although can't really grasp solid arguments.
The marketing would have to be good, because Nostr doesn't have already mentioned reputation, doesn't solve problems of a normie..basically I'm coming to the thought that this thing is basically against onboarding new people.
Why would anyone learn about zap and invest own money into something  so wild with small reach? Nostr is already fighting this, letting people think they have to pay (I know, one sat, still you need to have it first) will drive many off.
I know what's good here, but hope you'll get my point. I think Nostr isn't grown up yet.
 On the other hand it might be better to do it soon and grow slower than big noisy shift later on.
Also it would be nice to have feature, that zaps 1 immediately. I'm on fruit and zapping everyone for every shit would drive me crazy.  
 Not all of us have a billion dollars sir 
 You’re reading this wrong. Likes inform an algorithm.   
 Don't take likes away from me. As a normie, I don't care about bitcoin or zaps.