Oddbean new post about | logout
 In the spirit of understanding i am going to start asking yall for your truth and definitions
So in your own words.

What is Freedom ?

 to do (or think) whatever I want 
 I love this simplicity is chefs kiss 🤌 
 In the spirit of understanding i am going to start asking yall for your truth and definitions
So in your own words.

What is value  ?



 In a supermarket it usually means cheap.  
 Value is a measure of the importance or usefulness of something. 
 I think you have worded my own definition in a much clearer way then i could 🤝💜 
 Importance for joy and safety/survival 
 In the spirit of understanding i am going to start asking yall for your truth and definitions
So in your own words.

What is knowledge ?




 The collection of abstract thought put into order, with an applicable expression.

(I have the knowledge to cook a meal; I have the knowledge to feed) 
 I like that for me its a tricky one to awnser i have a hard time defining the line between knowledge and wisdom.

As is closest i can get is 
A collection of information and experience that expands capability  
 Learning from the masters that came before you ESPECIALLY your parents. When you have great one be grateful; if they didnt live up to their responsibilities - don’t follow their path … man up and do it better. Be a loving, caring-attentive, but disciplined, mum if you are fortunate enough to have children. They didn’t ask to be here - it’s on your shoulders to give them the ground bowel they need to be resilient, functioning and decent human beings.

Anchor all your values to discipline, ethics, decency, compassion and curiosity … you can’t lose.

Travel - uncomfortably 😜 especially when you are young. Understand life experiences are  true wealth - not things! 

That is knowledge. 
 Thank you for that detailed view 🫡🫂 
 It’s been one I’ve cultivated for almost 35yrs! 💜 
 In the spirit of understanding i am going to start asking yall for your truth and definitions
So in your own words.

What is authenticity ?





 This makes me think of an authentic self. But authenticity is more than that,  it can be applied to material goods too.

So genuine, true, mask off/unmasked...

How about unbridled representation of true to self? 
This is a tough one. 
 That which is real and genuine, transparent and natural, truth without deception or hidden intent motif agenda 
 So whould you say someone that is genuinely true themself by lying to other is not authentic? 
 True to themselves  
 Hmmmmm good question my fren. Yes and no. No and yes. 😎😇😅 
 I feel this 🤝😂 
 To me authenticity is the ability to be open, vulnerable, and honest with those around you. Showing those parts of you that you fear may get rejected and owning them. 
 Authenticity means being true to who you are, even when pressures or expectations try to push you otherwise. It’s about staying genuine to your values, beliefs, and feelings, regardless of the situation. Being authentic is not just about honesty to others, but also being honest with yourself, embracing both your strengths and vulnerabilities. 
 I like that self awareness 🤌
And this is me just seeinf and understanding where people are coming from no judgement 🤝