Insurgence of pickleballers on normal sports courts is worse than the illegal alien border insurgence. Facts. True. This is the next war.
Pickleball isn’t real. It didn’t exist 18 months ago
Ohhh but it’s real. “Excuse me, would hue mind moving to the court down there? This one is set for pickleball”.
John McEnroe is a good pickleball player.
It dates back to 1965.
You’re thinking about your mum again
My sister's place has a tennis court with the lines for pickleball. It would 7:30 and some old people would be out there. Like for real?!
I know people who hit the outdoor courts at sunrise. I usually wait until about 9. Let those good dedicated players get tired and then I have a better chance against them.
How the heck do you play ball with a pickle🥒
The fun is in the trying
Like this!! 😂
Hahaha 😂🤣
Our weapons aren't very impressive. A plastic ball with holes in it. Small paddles.
sorry you're struggling, I find playing pickle ball helps me in times like these
It’s as relaxing & easy as reading a book so makes sense. I play sports to sweat it out. Blood, sweat, some tears for my opponents.
It's hard at first but don't give up, as you improve you can achieve blood, sweat and tears for your opponents.
This type of fuel would force me to shut you out. What’s a shutout called in pickleball? Annihilation?
I would recommend focusing on things like returning the ball before putting so much passion into it. I don't know about tennis but pickleball is a game of clinical precision and strategy
Hulk smash. Hulk win. 🥇
Hulk Miss