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 I saw an analysis once that explains X. He uses a financial construction where he can get profits from other companies taxed lower by the losses of X. In the end it brings in more money in total. Regardless of what you think about what his views, he isn't stupid 
 I didn't say he was stupid. I said he's an incompetent manager. He's a view-from-30,000ft kind of guy. He's not a down-in-the-trenches, doing the work kind of guy. He's good at picking competent people to run his companies, but he's terrible at doing the managing himself. That's why the only Musk company that's a absolute train wreck, and is losing value at a stagging pace is the one he personally manages.  
 And I don't give a shit about his views. That's why in this entire discussion, I never mentioned his views or his policy ideas. Because that's not the fucking point of what I'm saying.