Jack Dorsey is just the Bitcoiner's Elon Musk
Not saying they are similar as people (I don't know them) but there seems to be a similar dickriding culture although it's less pronounced.
That’s not the same thing, OK! Ape to apex! 🖖🏻
Is that an option for misunderstandings? Lost in translation? Perhaps liberating Bob would result in fewer pains up the royals asses. Special case when translations get OK on the money, captain Technical Brief: Enhancing readiness for a Nipah virus event in countries not reporting a Nipah virus event https://www.who.int/publications-detail-redirect/9789290211273
At least Jack funds freedom tech.
You need to calm down, captain. That’s not an iceberg, that’s the easy bridge
Oh nooo, London bridge came down 🤦 https://music.apple.com/de/album/look-what-you-made-me-do/1440933849?i=1440934255&l=en-GB
https://music.apple.com/de/album/shock-the-monkey/986723282?i=986723832&l=en-GB Strange when planet of the apes, you Urdu monkey 😒
It’s interesting how they are deified and vilified for the same things. I feel like culturally we love to put people on pedestals just to knock them down. I’d say we’re all just people who put on pants the same way, one leg at a time. Wouldn’t put it past those two to do something different though.
I predict 🔮 Elon will invent Xants which open by a magnetic closure on the side
Are you forgetting adidas breakaway track pants?
lol are you saying Xants are already a thing?? I was not, in fact, aware!