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Trump had 4 years and failed... Biden had 3 years and failed... nope.. ready for someone new. Hopefully someone a lot less racist than either of these ass hats. 
 @b05df304 @de8e207b failed what 

You will have to be a bit more specific... we have two people, both extremely racist, one senile, the other just a regular old moron.... the list in ways they failed is quite long... for starters which one?

 @b05df304 @9c92a582 @de8e207b There's a massive difference between unconscious bias, unintentional casual racism and overt intentional in-your-face racism. Joe Biden didn't refuse to rent to blacks. Joe Biden didn't call black and brown migrants rapists. Joe Biden doesn't deny the existence of systemic racism or think whites are the real victims. 

> There's a massive difference between unconscious bias, unintentional casual racism and overt intentional in-your-face racism.

There sure is, but you missed an important classification "covert intentional but significant racism"

> Joe Biden didn't refuse to rent to blacks.

No he did far worse, he spent the first part of his career trying to keep segregation alive, it was his primary goal for the better part of a decade at least... Id say trying to keep all blacks of the USA segregating is quite a bit worse than not renting to blacks.

That isnt to say him not renting to blacks is bad, its horribly racist. My point is, Joe can and has gone toe to toe with him on racism.

The only difference is Joe learned his overt racism wasnt working, so he went into stealth racism mode and instead of directly attacking the blacks and minorities now he exploits them for his own personal gains.

> Joe Biden doesn't deny the existence of systemic racism or think whites are the real victims.

Oh he definitely did.. By promoting to keep segregation alive in the 80s when he wasnt covert about his racism he very much was painting the whites as the victim... after all he claimed the reason he didnt want segregation is so his white children werent the victims of a "racial jungle"... yea sorry he played that card too 

@9c92a582 @de8e207b 
 @bf6ba08b  There’s a massive difference between unconscious bias, unintentional casual racism and overt intentional in-your-face racism.

There sure is, but you missed an important classification “covert intentional but significant racism”  Joe Biden didn’t refuse to rent to blacks.

No he did far worse, he spent the first part of his career trying to keep segregation alive, it was his primary goal for the better part of a decade at least… Id say trying to keep all blacks of the USA segregating is quite a bit worse than not renting to blacks.

That isnt to say him not renting to blacks is bad, its horribly racist. My point is, Joe can and has gone toe to toe with him on racism.

The only difference is Joe learned his overt racism wasnt working, so he went into stealth racism mode and instead of directly attacking the blacks and minorities now he exploits them for his own personal gains.  Joe Biden doesn’t deny the existence of systemic racism or think whites are the real victims.

Oh he definitely did.. By promoting to keep segregation alive in the 80s when he wasnt covert about his racism he very much was painting the whites as the victim… after all he claimed the reason he didnt want segregation is so his white children werent the victims of a “racial jungle”… yea sorry he played that card too

@9c92a582 @de8e207b 
 @b05df304 @9c92a582 @de8e207b Opposing busing =/= trying to keep segregation alive. A lot of black folks would've rather seen investments in their own schools rather than busing and the resultant white flight. There's a significant nuanced difference. You think Trump was a big proponent of busing? "Stealth racism" = racism I can't demonstrate but insist exists. Gaffes are not overt slurs. There are degrees of racism and there's no comparison. 

I was alive during bussing... allowing black kids to choose if they want to go to a white school rather than force them to segregate is the choice... Sure invest in their schools too.. then the kids wont **opt** to bus to the white schools...

But yes it was racist, he made it clear his entire goal to oppose bussing was to keep his kids out of a "racial jungle".. excuse it all you want but he explicitly stated he was doing it for racist reasons and to keep his kids away from mixed race populations....

Kinda disgusting that knowing his motivations (and I showed you the quote) you would even defend this... thats some racist BS right there coming out of you.

@9c92a582 @de8e207b 
 @b05df304 @9c92a582 @de8e207b One decontextualized gaffe is not the same as obvious racial discrimination.

HAHAHA "Spending 10 years keeping blacks our of white schools and **explicitly(( stating your doing it cause you dont want your white kids among other races, thats just a one time decontextualized gaffe".... hahahahahahahahahahahahaha

God the mental gymnastics you will go through to defend racist politicians its amazing. I mean its not a "one time" its literally consistent over decades but ok....

@9c92a582 @de8e207b 
 @b05df304 @9c92a582 @de8e207b You *misleadingly decontextualized the quote. Was it on purpose? Did you get that bullshit directly from the Trump campaign? 
 I literally have the original 1980's official congress transcript posted on my TL from discussing this already... It very clearly shows the quote is valid, real, and in context. 
 @b05df304 @9c92a582 @de8e207b Biden's done a lot of good: got us out of Afghanistan, clean energy subsidies, student loan forgiveness, reducing rx prices, and he'd do more if he had a willing Congress. Trump's one big accomplishment was cutting taxes for the richest people in the world, blowing a hole in the deficit to be paid on the backs of the poor sick and elderly.