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 Unity docs claim scriptableObjects have Awake method, but I have this one project here where Awake/Start is never called. However OnEnable is :S

 @eb948c00 ScriptableObjects are both super useful and really frustrating in my experience. I think the Awake method only works when the ScriptableObject is created - I.E in the Editor. I'm sure there are other times where it's called.

I tend to make a different MonoBehaviour derived class to handle Awake calls in play and make some getter methods on the SO. Just my two cents, it might not be the right way to go about things, but it works for me 😁 
Does it get called on editor? I remember something about awake/start behaving differently to GameObjects indeed... 
 @eb948c00 Now I always back up my SOs with a runtime data class when I need runtime state for them. Saves headaches.