Deals on Kindles may seem attractive, but don't forget Amazon is one of the most devoted peddlers of DRM. We prefer books we can loan to our friends, free of restriction and prying eyes. Read more about how to live DRM-free: #EndDRM #DRM #BoycottAmazon #Amazon
@Defective by Design This guide does not mention hardware. How would the @Free Software Foundation suggest one go about that for a fully DRM-free experience?
@8d62f4dd I got a Kindle Paperwhite of the 10th gen specifically to jailbreak it (I followed the mobiread forums and got one on ebay, when a new jailbreak was out). I installed and it's a great reading experience - even if I would not care about privacy and being free of DRM, koreader is just excellent. (I got that Kindle for being waterproofed and robust, and it's likely my longest surviving eInk device now, despite being with me constantly for over 4 years.)