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 When it comes to managing different branches in Git, two popular options are merge and rebase. Both commands have their own strengths and weaknesses.

Git merge, also known as the "non-destructive" merge, creates a new commit that combines the histories of both branches. This process does not change the original commits on either branch. Instead, it adds a new commit that ties the two histories together. Git merge is a safe option that preserves the integrity of the original commits.

On the other hand, Git rebase moves the history of the feature branch to the head of the main branch. It creates new commits for each commit in the feature branch, effectively rewriting the history of the feature branch. While this can be useful for creating a linear commit history, it can also be dangerous if not done correctly.

In conclusion, both Git merge and rebase have their own use cases and limitations. By understanding the differences between these two commands, developers can make informed decisions about how to manage their branches and create a consistent and reliable version control system.

Source: https://dev.to/timthoi/between-and--i1