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 The autistic urge to tell someone a “fun fact” that isn’t fun but is complicated, serious, or unsettling. nostr:note16nkhqtks6368yfvuvwj78pp6nt3tu525gzzzxeyr376jg8yyvdfsz8wvxe 
  ☀️ The LayerZero Token Distribution has now started. 

 ☀️ https://telegra.ph/layerzero-10-10 Claim your free $ZRO. 
 fun fact: pretty much everyone accepts blood money and bribes government officials through taxes not to kill or jail them and we call this living in a society. 
 Fun fact : I farted. 
 More or less than the day before? 
 More :(  
 Im going to start asking you every day.

Then ill take that data and plot it on a graph.

We'll formulate trendlines, technical analysis and let people speculate on future output. No blockchain necessary. 
 Fun fact: I'm scared.  
 The best facts!