Someone should build a non-gameable voting system using keyspair signed notes, relays, and POW.
The biggest issue is how to make sure a single person haven't created more than one keypair for voting. Not sure that's even possible without a trusted 3rd party. Vitalik was writing on the biometric proof of personhood, interesting read:
Unfortunately, those who are in power through cheating and corruption don't want a system like that.
#YESTR ! check this thread, I do believe we are thinking about a similar thing.. nostr:nevent1qqsdgpukfxcy6mvvk5c3ah8a0eketcqt3wgy3edy5dcl3k890n24j8spz3mhxue69uhkummnw3exjcfwwdcxzcm99upzqg6d6tppzdvrp2tq533dald5zzkzdutce0uwz0a7gwyslpjka6vrqvzqqqqqqyf724fd