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 Very cool global protest happening right now. #makeamazonpay https://video.nostr.build/0b11f494a68673706e40acfa34be51339b8262b153abf343b14e6f1f00b74582.mp4  
 Fuck you communist 
 I love quick and reliable shipping as much as the next guy. But their business   practices from the way they treat their vendors to their employees and even management at that, can only persist for so long.   
 I really love my Amazon delivery folks. I will always support them. They keep my household going. 
 Prepare for a rise in Amazon prices  
 Unions are very useful for locking in inflation gains for the indebted government. 
 Interesting perspective to place the burden of suffering on the labor force rather than the government. 
 I'm not... Workers would be vastly better off with money that holds value. The government wants inflation because it reduces the real value of their existing debt, which allows them to borrow more, which increases the money supply and impoverishes workers. 

The government views unions as a lever of power. Policy is a lever of power. Amazon itself is a lever of power by being so centralized. A strike in a company the size of Amazon does not happen unless the government decides it will happen. 
 Maybe, but we should support them. And if they succeed and prices go up, it's not their fault. It's mismanagement by the company and the government that led to this. 

These people aren't just protesting wages but also work conditions and other forms of exploitation. People die on the job in their warehouses. The evils of Amazon knows no limits. 
 just don't forget to zoom out and remember this is the death toll of fiat money, at the highest level of the chain of causality 
 I like the sentiment, but there are too many questions which I would need answers for, before I could support their strike.

Suppose they succeed and get more pay and better conditions. What exactly does that mean? The usual industry response to something like this is actually to pressure the government to enshrine their new rights in law - big business loves that. A law has to be applied to their competitors, and any business with less market power than amazon will face disproportionately higher compliance costs, which will hand more market to Amazon. I'm not saying that I know that will happen this time, but that is typically the end result of collective bargaining. In the end, it puts the workers in a worse position. 

Just curious... How do you feel about Apple's relationship with its workers? Or rather, the workers for foxconn, which builds for them. They have nets around their buildings in China to catch the suicides.  
 fiat is literally a meatgrinder 
 Every genocide in modern history followed debasing the money and increased regulation. Market distortions result in left over people. Socialists are ready for that with class warfare. Just exterminate the people on the bottom... Then utopia! 
 it's a cult of kings, a mandate of heaven, etc etc

these people think they are gods 
 Lemme make this an even more lively discussion and throw capitalism in that sentence 👀 
 What definition of capitalism are you using? 
 Less of a definition and more of how it plays out in real life. 
 Okay, I get that. I just want to point out that definitions are important. What we have now is not what I would call capitalism. That's because our current paradigm is built on the violation of property, not the sanctity of property. All rights flow from one fundament right - your ownership of yourself and your efforts. "Capital" is basically property. Technically its anything useful for making more stuff, but that means property because none of the factors of production can be useful without agency, and that means ownership.

So, if we're criticizing the system of exploitation, I'm all with ya. But if we're calling that capitalism, then I'm not, because that's simply not what capitalism means. Socialism requires exploitation. The degree that capitalism is mixed with socialism is the degree of exploitation in the society. 
 i get tired of this idiotic typical government/NGO powered rewriting of the dictionary

capitalism originally was a perjorative from the ruling class towards the guys who organised the first factories, that produced the goods that the working class needed... needles, thread, fabric, boots, mass produced clothes, garden tools, the list is endless

this perjorative has continued to be understood as a slur by those who believe the bullshit propaganda promoted by the ruling class, to mean what actually is more accurately called the free market

and so you now have people trying all kinds of ways to penetrate the thick skulls of the brainwashed in some crack in their brainwashing about how the whole thing is a scam designed to make you feel like your interests are being taken care of while robbing you blind and in many cases, murdering you as collateral damage for their many rackets they run to maintain their dominance

so, whatever, spice away, you will just be moving goalposts and trying to assert your definition of an old word that doesn't mean to us what you think it does is its proper definition, and nothing will happen

smart people who work at amazon, quit

i hate how much of a monopoly they have, they virtually own the entire postal system here in portugal

the best protest would be to FUCKING QUIT 
 Be nice. She could be on our side if we just straighten out the definitions and causes and effects. We probably have the same goals... 

Its actually entertaining that capitalism was used as a pejorative. So was Christianity, originally. Just take it an run with it. 
 yeah, the oppressed react the same way

also, this person doesn't really fully understand the depth of the racket going on, that's why i like to lay it out nice and plain like this, i've gone through this discussion with so many people in the last 20 years i don't have much patience for it and i'm pretty concise in laying out exactly why they are wrong and what people should actually do to escape the meatgrinder

number one is buy bitcoin, but that wasn't available until a decade ago for most people

the importance of bitcoin in this equation as a means to defund this totalitarian meatgrinding death machine cannot be understated 
 Its very easy to lose patience in this never ending debate... But also, there's no zealot like a convert. Show someone the way, and they'll teach more people than you could ever reach. 

I'm confident in bitcoin, but not confident in the human reaction that could happen. People are habituated to looking to leaders for answers, and leaders clash, and violence happens. Teaching now can save lives later. 
 i'm too busy engineering the technology to further empower the means by which these communications occur, i am not a pedagogue, i'm much too salty... and i'm too busy doing things to teach how to do the things, while at the same time i chatter enough that you can learn something if you pay attention

i know that those who believe the typical leftist ideology are on the border to realising freedom, don't get me wrong, they just need some help figuring out the frame they have been given and looking outside of it 
 You're doing the Lord's work. The things you build now will have a ripple effect down through time and set future standards and expectations. And its some super impressive stuff... Thanks - to you and all the builders here.  
 There is no disagreement here with you on that. 
 Solidarity with Amazon Workers!!! Working class WAKIN UP ✨✨✨✨ 
 This is how it starts 🥳🔥💜🫂

 I wonder how close the tech is to replacing many of them with humanoid robots and self-driving vehicles 🤔
A Black Friday freeze up will still hit the bottom line of the company a four amount, I would think. 
 Until that happens hopefully they stop getting away with exploiting humans 

Fuck off.

They’re mostly useless eaters to being with. They’re lucky to even have jobs. 

commie scum