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 I don't understand how such a well armed population tolerates such immense political  corruption 

Shouldn't be possible  
 Democracy (the system) works very well 💀 
 You killed off most of the best of us in two world wars & a whole host of small ones, what do you think happened... 
 We basically have the dregs, the cowards & the small number of those who were wise enough to keep their heads down. 
 And then the maxist subversion got a hold of brainwashing generations of kids to make sure they were too screwed up & removed the negative selection pressure for doing stupid dipshit things.

That about sum it up?

It's screwed... 😂🤕 
 Not you obviously, the "group" of the time. 
 By controlling said population through the Mockingbird media and indoctrination education. But that should go without saying.  
 This right here!! 
 convenience and indifference are the main factors in my opinion 
 No one wants to be the first plus the frog in the boiling water analogy explains it pretty well. 
 Through illusionary power play. 
Great question! 
 Too many of them still aren't outside of their comfort zone yet. 
 because they are mostly comfortable in their own lives. they are not backed into a corner yet. 
 Armed gini coefficient to high. 
 Boss man told us we'd need nukes & jets. 🤷‍♀️😂 
 no militias anymore, that is the key problem

people just sit there passively waiting for The Man to send The Boots On The Ground instead of being equipped to solve it locally 
 Militias are still around, they've just moved their focus to "the big one" & most of their activities offline & underground.  
 there obviously still isn't enough of them tho 
 Can't attest to that.  
 Just join a senior league hockey team or something 
 😂 A rose by any other name and all that 
 i would literally migrate to join a legit local militia serving the neighours

a militia doesn't have a quartermaster... everyone has to bring their own and the main thing that makes it work is they gather and train

warfare is a very very very important skill to have and i would drop everything and move if i could be part of a legitimate defense organisation, i have wanted to be part of one since my mid 20s 
 Seek & ye shall find 😅 
 To put on the tin foil hat ever so slightly; could be the food that most of them eat which causes higher level of estrogen, therefore making them less disagreeable. 
 Because it's not organised. In the words of Zbigniew Brzezinsky - "keep the vassals compliant and the barbarians from coming together".
 By being convinced “it’s not that bad” 
 Dumbed down population through indoctrination. Keep'em fat and entertained and  the ruling class will do as they please.  
 You're not talking about Canada lmao 
 No I'm certainly not 
 Frogs boiling in a pot. If they tried to go from how things were 70 years ago to this all at once, it wouldn't have worked 
 There are stronger weapons than guns, we need to remember how to use our minds first. 
 bring back the guillotines 
 What corruption are you talking about? 
 Let's start here, then maybe Epstein's clients https://i.nostr.build/lLYnj.jpg 
 but don't they have to declare their actions publicly, to the point that you can even copy-trade them? 
 They pass laws, carry favor with lobbyists and award contracts to pump their own bags

It doesn't matter if you can copy their trades lmfao 
 I think it does soften the blow, maybe also as an admission that these things are possible in one way or another, so let's at least do them in most fair way. Definitely not something worthy of armed uprising imo unlike epstein list (if it turns out to be all true). 
 genius traders all of um!! lol 
 Being well-armed reduces the incentive for conflict because it increases the possible damage. 
 Relative to us cuckadians 🇨🇦