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 Would you rather be..

(A) a genius at only one thing and a dumbshit at most other things 


(B) not a genius at anything but mediocre at many things  
 Probably the wrong answer but it depends on what the one thing is compared to what the many things are. I mean some things aren't really worth being an expert at if they aren't beneficial to you. Yet, being capable at many things can be beneficial depending on how they're used.  
 No right or wrong answers, imo. Because there are many ways an individual can go about it depending on what's important to them. Anything you'd like to be a genius at, beneficial or not.  
 Just for fun, astronomy and astrology.
Professionally, I've always wanted to work with robotics. 
 I wanted to be an aircraft mechanic when I was a kid. That way I can have my own tool box and tool sets. 
If fixing and building planes were my super power, Boeing would be offering me a lot of money right now that I would be able to use for all the B stuff that comes with living. 👀 
 Boeing needs people with actual knowledge of airplane design. Most of thise people have retired. 
 Probably B. 
Rather be good at my job, a good person and a good parent, husband rather than a genius at work but a terrible human being 
 You're a good node, nodey.  
 Thanks AK 🐸🫂 
 Come artista direi A. 
 Ho notato 
 I'm B, but my best friend is A (genius with Aspergers). I oftentimes wish I was A, but my superpower is the awareness of my own mediocrity and subsequent humility, which has served me very well through life, I believe. 
 I'd be pretty bored being a full time A. 😂😅🤣.
At just about any one thing.  
 I'm more A than B, but my skillset is still so wide, it could be argued that I'm more B than A.  
 What's your A if i may ask? 
 Metal fabrication.  
 That's awesome. To my mind this is an admirable skill. What do you usually fabricate? 
 Dumb stuff that threatens to bore me.  
I am sure you fabricate intetesting stuff. I just don't have a helicopter bearing to sent you 😀 
 Not as often as I'd prefer. But it pays the bills.  
 Awesome super power. Not quite the same, but I did a little bit welding as a teenager. About 5 minutes worth in the grander scale of timelines. lol.  
 I've been joking for a while that my only real hobby is acquiring more skills. So... 

Maybe I'm really good at that and that's my best skill? 😅 
 B for me, but I have a lot of appreciation for some of the As out there and what they can do.  
  I am B and think that's best for me 👌  
 That's somewhat vague of a question but I guess I would go with B. Being a genius in one field can certainly be a great attribute but it also seems like it has a high likelihood of placing a great deal of unwanted limitations on someone. That could be very frustrating, I imagine. Option B will also grant you a wider plethora of skills, which could be very handy when dealing with something that requires knowledge in many fields. 

But personally, neither. I already know that I'm talented in certain fields and very efficient in the others that are required for me to be an overall good person and provide my children with a good well-being. 
 It's meant to be vague. No right or wrong answers either. However you choose to understand it.  
 Lol I know it is. I was just implying that there seem to be a fair amount of reasons not to wish to be either, imo.  
 Or many reasons why both types of people are needed in a society. This is real DE&I IMO. 
We can't let Nik Tesla in and keep L Fink out and expect magic tech as a society.  
 That's true. Mind if I DM you? 
 If your super power as an (A) is science (or math), can A exist factually as a statement?!

Yeah, silly stuff my brain does sometimes. 👀 

Man that’s tough. To have to continually prove and disprove yourself is not a fun way to live. 
 On the surface it might sound like a mean thing to say. But some could argue that a society's progress is a 💯 dependent on the successful matching of folks with super powers to those that know how to monetize those superpowers. 👀 
 Spend time doing A thing cause im curious. Fail at it for long enough to slip into B. Its all fun and interesting regardless. https://image.nostr.build/8b0f0677ccf0f4d9d33fa1cbec26d52df0fecff72dbb9515b64dd56f592cbba3.jpg  
 If your an A, you can pay someone to do all those things you don't like doing and try doing the things you do like, with the understanding that you are an embecile that will inevetibally fail or be mediocre at best, bc it is not your super power. 

But having woke up and tried every day, you will have lived a life of purpose. what more does one need?!

 The problem of being A, is that you don't have the social skills to make money. 
 That requires a lot of dependence and trust in others. 
 To an even higher degree yes. 
But that would be the trade off for the super power of my choice. 
Funny how these kinds of things go.  
 tough to choose... 
 Neither is an answer, too. 🙂 
 (C) anyone with AI 
 B. I am B and very happy this way 😁 it lets me engage more richly with life. 
 A is definitely more practical, but it's also boring and sad; so, B. 
 Can I choose at which thing? 
 Of course 
 I would take the hit for my family and be a genius in only one thing. Who has ever seen a investment genius? 
 You mean like an exceptionally good gambler.  
 Yes 🙌 
 It might be just me. But I feel like I can tell a lot about a personality type based on what their first reply was to your note. 
Yes, prejudices and stereotypes come to mind here. Lol. 
I'm wrong sometimes. 👀 
 lol. It does! I know we are complex beings but a majority of people can be placed in personality buckets.  
 I would love to hear you further explain why you believe so?😁 
 Hi Lucas, sure. I will expand a bit more maybe later this evening or in the am. I'm in fiat mining mode at the moment. 😊 
 What about you @AK 👸🏻 
 B if I really have to choose. I'd hate to be utterly dumbshit at some simple things.  
 What about you, dd 
 nostr:note1hs265ytuzpvptduz5ku5ze3djxh5z8rw7g78m8wmppt22wlmdetstqacu6 https://image.nostr.build/ab1784830cd6c042012d4513b99d721f2253c6440714eac3d98dc3fd5f79a8c2.jpg  
 That's an OR answer. 😏 
 Ssssshhhh stop pulling my pants down every time. I was being so clever. Even put in top tier meme to distract. 
 Besides you the one who zapped that answer 😏😏 
 For the meme. Not the answer. 
 🫢 ok finneee. B 😓 
 The talented people who can sniff out real  talent. Someone has to do it.  
 😄 Funny you say that because a cat loving friend has told me if I were a cat, this cat would be me. 
 That's is so adorable. I can't even stand it. 😻