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On Nostr I follow a bunch of indie hackers building open source stuff creating immense value, most notably in nostr and bitcoin. They’re all grant funded.

On X I follow a bunch of indie hackers building proprietary stuff creating immense value, most notably in AI. Many are making insane monthly recurring revenues (MRR) and are all bootstrapped/self-funded.


How do we create a culture of open source indie hackers in bitcoin/nostr that are making self-sustaining MRR? 
 have them buy more bitcoin 
 If you see longterm bitcoin gains as MRR, sure. I’m just wondering if we’re all missing something that the AI indie hackers are getting right. 
 Hype. They have hype.

That brings in capital and there’s so much swinging about you could probably get a few grand for your cat if you chat enough bollocks. 
 Sadly, we can't compare AI apps to Bitcoin apps. AI gets attention like TikTok, and Bitcoin is like WordPress, powerful yet a grey area to ordinary folk. Jack is loaded, but even buying more Bitcoin isn't going to bridge the gap. It is about priorities in life, if you want money, you'd choose AI. 
 What if they need some sort of income stream in order to buy more bitcoin? 
 AI's independent hackers can earn income from their products, and they can buy Bitcoin. The problem is that Nostr's independent hackers' products cannot generate income, so they can't buy Bitcoin. And many Nostr developers invest time and sell Bitcoin to develop Nostr. For example, me.

 Please don't misunderstand that there are no complaints, because we are willing to pay for Nostr.  
 #metoo 🤷‍♀️

That said, AI is one of our main topics, and we actually see concrete potential for selling our services and products to customers who _aren't_ on Nostr. Including the AI stuff.

The Nostr protocol allows for some interesting use cases that have relevance outside of us Nostriches. It's a solution to some very particular problems. 
 Every product that solves an existing problem can be sold. But we need marketeers - and a problem 😑 
 I know I’m a nobody but I think we have our incentives wrong 
 In what way? 
 In that we many companies offer an incentive to buy from them by offering a “discount” for transacting in btc and some are “spinning” that as they are “charging” an additional fee for accepting FIAT. I think a better business model is simply charging people the price you feel is appropriate and “fair” or the price you believe the market will support. 

If you want to really add an incentive for me to buy something from you, give me a share of the appreciated price of the bitcoin I give you for some time variable time period? This way we both benefit from the FIAT price going up, which also acts as a flywheel as the incentive is greater as the network becomes more valuable and it incentivizes me to keep using the network by first paying an honest price and second sharing in the possible future price. 
 Not with @CashApp they label withdrawals as ‘payments’ so the IRS can fuck you later 
 try make startups for bitcoiners and realize there aren't enough users for your stuff then sell your soul to crypto VCs 
 Often works 😁 
 Pieter Levels is a good example. He makes almost 200k MRR with various project (most around digital nomads and AI). An extreme example. But reaching 10k MMR seems like a realistic goal. https://image.nostr.build/f1b4a16f5f3a923712d41670d8dfeccd2575b3e00d5fcfe484d12f6bc29badac.jpg  
 I think the main reason is that these services are targeting the entire internet of customers vs nostr, which has the more difficult price of entry, using public/private keys and bitcoin for payments. There is also too much of a focus in nostr on "what is possible" vs "what problems do people need solving". This is actually fine IMO, for now we're frontier tech, we need to experiment and try wacky stuff without too much of a focus on business dev. 

Also, @levelsio is a special case. He's been at it a LONG time and has an incredible distribution network (his following) built up for all his products. Not many indie builders come close to his success.  
 Nostr needs time; we can't ask a farmer who just planted seeds for a harvest. 
 nostr bots/services will be a good way to get recurring rev i expect. Plenty of low hanging fruit. 
 Money in nostr is ridiculous little compared to it industry mrr 
 True, but im curious what a proper, succesful nostr bot would pull in  
 No as in, it wont work or, we dont want it 
 I can only speak for myself, but all of the above 
 Get a job … rent seeking is parasitic 
 Maybe bring AI to nostr 
 Doing what? 
 Maybe humans and machines working together.  Pair programming.  Writing.  Music.  Art.  etc. 
 I building nostr:nprofile1qqs2um8ftr5qf05xk9z7dfeumndg5s4mte2z04gynlnztxmd6rczclgpz4mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduhsz8thwden5te0dehhxarj9e3xjarrda5kuetj9eek7cmfv9kz7qg4waehxw309aex2mrp0yhxummnw3ezucn89uf6pfyx to boost development processes using #BDD , I believe it will unlock decentralized development  diving it through behaviour definition 
 The value in proprietary software is in its ability to monopolise a given space. Open source cannot monopolise, by design. 
 Been thinking alot about dual licensing for backend services. So customers can either buy the managed service or self-host. 
 Based on trading activity it looks like #BitcoinETF buyers are still HODLing. So far there's no sign of panic. It will likely take a much larger drop in #Bitcoin                 before they finally capitulate. That may come as soon as next week, especially after another big selloff this weekend.

A lot of people are not paying attention.

If you’re diving into crypto investing,  RCL is a lot more than just a VIP group. Their signals are packed with valuable returns, education, and insights.

 Oh I don’t know - maybe by building an app that makes it easier for them to Bitcoinize (monetize) their business by incentivizing customers with a 50/50 split in any future price appreciation of the Bitcoin those customers use to pay the business for variable time periods dependent on market conditions??? 
 Provide enterprise support for the software you develop.

Everybody thinks "no one will pay for my software if they can just install it for free" well guess what, businesses will. 

Red Hat Enterprise Linux was bought by IBM for $34 (quick web search because I thought it was million, but it's more) billion. $34 Billion.

Some makers of Bitcoin software have already figured out that selling support is profitable. 
 These are my observations running a hackerspace in bitcoin.

I see two main issues: Nostr is a niche within a niche and Bitcoiners do not like to pay for things.

So you have to be creative and charge significant amount more for services rendered.

The last thing is most Bitcoin companies and Nostr projects need help just punching through the noise.

At PlebLab everyone to my knowlege is + on arr vs opex minus a few companies. I suspect it has more to do with general support pleblab provides them.

 using freemium model 
 Many in Bitcoin aren’t grant funded, and even more so in the broader open source world. The AI guys are the anomaly not the other way around and it’s pretty much all due to ethics

I’m personally building a FOSS tool that’s being sold by glassnode for 700$/m, there is in my opinion no ethical way to charge for it besides tech support 
 Please. no bots. Especially political bots. So how about… no. The culture sucks there. 
 With limited context around who these people on Twitter are…

Someone who has MRR in their profile is clearly money focused. Their primary goal is to make money? Right?

Your average Nostr dev is likely more interested in making a difference, money is just to live on and not have to work a regular job. 